Posts Tagged ‘Helsinki’

Welcome to Father Frost against Putin IV Festival in Helsinki (Finland)

Sunday, December 11th, 2016

From 7th to 8th of January 2017 fourth Father Frost against Putin-festival will be organised in Helsinki. Exact festival location will be announced later.

As in earlier years, various Russian grassroot initiatives will present themselves in festival. You should visit festival, if you are interested on what has happened in Russian anarchist, feminist and queer movements during year 2016.

All festival events will be open to everyone. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Helsinki joined international days of action for Russian political prisoners (Finland)

Friday, July 8th, 2016

After Tel Aviv, Helsinki joined the solidarity campaign. A picket in the center of the city was organised. 1st of July, in the opposite side of the railway station, around 10 anarchists stood with a banner “Freedom to Crimean prisoners” (Vapaus Krimin vangeille) with pictures of Oleg Sentsov and Alexandr Kolchenko, and “Freedom for all political prisoners” (in English). Few hundred leaflets were spread. Goal of the action was to spread information about constant repressions in Russia against those in disagreement with Putin’s politics, and against ongoing bloodshed in Ukraine. Leaflets had the following demands:

– Russia must withdraw its troops from Ukraine, and both sides of the conflict must fulfill the obligations of the Minsk II peace treaty
– Russia should release all Crimean tatars, anarchists, antifascists and other imprisoned anti-war activists. All illegally detained people in Donetsk and Lugansk areas should be released.


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Posted in Prison Struggle

Flames of nihilistic vengeance in Helsinki set by Wildfire Cell (Finland)

Thursday, May 12th, 2016

We claim full responsibility for the coordinated arson spree in Myllypurossa, Helsinki in the early hours of 9/5/16, in which 6 cars in the parking lot of some shitty neighbourhood and an excavator on the edges of a construction site were surrendered to the flames of nihilistic vengeance.

We continue with the indiscriminate burning of cars as a manifestation of the misanthropic essence which flows through us, striking at the moral values of society, breaking the suffocating hold of ‘normality’ and causing terror and outrage amongst the detestable hordes of ‘good and respectable citizens’, whose eager compliance with the technological systematization and extermination of all life on earth fills us only with hatred and contempt towards them.

Construction vehicles such as bulldozers, harvesters, excavators and so on serve only to maintain and ‘improve’ the city-prisons and to wreak havoc the earthly environment, so it should go without saying that they will always be targets for our attacks. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

CALLOUT: July approaches, the eviction threat grows – get yourself to Hanhikivi post-haste! (Finland)

Friday, June 26th, 2015

Fennovoima-Rosatom’s nuclear power project is now at a critical point. Fennovoima is supposed to hand over the keys – symbolical and concretical – to Rosatom on the 1st of July. However, Rosatom wants – as agreed – the area without troublesome extra attachments.

Requirements for a police-assisted eviction are however not quite ready yet.
The people still holding on to their lands and cottages in the area have been sent a message by Fennovoima, in which is demanded that the last missing cottage-keys be surrendered to the company at the latest on Friday 26th of June. If this does not happen, the issue will proceed to the Distraint Authorities [the authority managing forced collection of debts, taxes, etc.] according to Fennovoima. After that we’ll have to see how and with what kind of schedule the Distraint and police authorities sort out the practicalities and the connecting of their respective official powers. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Bike Rally for Russian political prisoners – Helsinki (Finland)

Tuesday, September 10th, 2013

This video is filmed at Bike rally for Russian political prisoners arranged in Helsinki Finland on 7th September. Many of the by-passers cheered when the bike rally passed by. The demonstrators ringed their bells, chanted and played drums. The route started from Kolmen sepän patsas and ended in the Russian embassy in Tehtaankatu, where the demonstrators cycled around the embassy and afterwards listened few speeches of the situation of the political prisoners in Russia. Mainly the demonstration rally went well and with good ambience. Sadly when rally was ending (and when the video camera stopped recording) the police suddenly attacked and arrested six demonstrators.


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Posted in Autonomy

Attack against Talvivaara mining company (Finland)

Saturday, March 9th, 2013

Thursday 8.3.2013 a group of people gathered in front of Finlandia Hall [in Helsinki, Finland] to demonstrate their discontentment against environmental crimes done by Finnish mining company Talvivaara* while the company was having shareholders meeting.

At the same time we did a solidarity action at Talvivaara headquarters in Espoo.

We throw smoke bombs inside the corridor of the building and decorated the wall with anti-Talvivaara slogan.

Our action was in solidarity with all those who have been suffering of the operations of Talvivaara mine and those who are fighting against the company.

Also we want to express our solidarity to smallholder rebellions in Kulon Progon area in Java Island [in Indonesia] and Tukijo that is imprisoned by Indonesian state.

We are deeply sorry about extra heart beats we caused for the worker in the corridor.

* Finnish mining company having a huge open-pit mine in North-East Finland. For years the local people and activists have brought up the fundamental violation of environmental legislation of Talvivaara. In December 2012 the company had major leak of poisonous waste water into lakes around the mining area causing of large scale pollution and it has still serious problems to “clean” the production line – probably never succeed. Talvivaara is mining mainly nickel and zinc, but uranium as well.

source: Takku via contrainfo

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Posted in Direct Action

Two police cars burned in Helsinki (Finland)

Thursday, December 22nd, 2011

16 December 2011

As the world economy falters the power elite holds on to capitalism with tooth and nail, even though around them, the house of cards is wavering. The people who suffer from this listen to the money-grabbing power elite without calling into question the orders the elite hands out just to save their own hinds.

The police are a model example of obedience. The decisions are made high up in the hierarchy and the people who execute these commands can not and will not put them into question. Bureaucracy will always prove too slow and rigid for life that is characterized by being fast-paced and ever-moving.

On the night of Friday the 16th of December 2011, we burned two police cars in the backyard of a Volkswagen-dealership in the Herttoniemi district in Helsinki. We torched both cars by lighting and placing a handful of lighting briquettes on the front wheels and then fled the scene.

According to their communiqués the police have apprehended people in the vicinity of the dealership on the same night. It is not unheard of that the police bungle arrests without any evidence.

We claim responsibility for the arson of these cars and wish to say, that no arrests will resolve this situation.

Solidarity with all who are imprisoned!

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Posted in Direct Action