Posts Tagged ‘1st May’

Anarchist May Day Weekend 2017 – Invitation (Poland)

Thursday, March 2nd, 2017

3rd Anarchist Congress

Working People’s Day

Discussions | Meetings | Lectures | Books | Art | Gigs + more

Join us in Wrocław [PL] for the 3rd Anarchist Congress and May Day celebrations!

Kongresono is a grassroots initiative – together we try to create space for meetings and discussions, encourage dialogue within the anarchist movement and strengthen contacts between its members. We strive for integration of anarchist circles and – through the exchange of experiences and mutual education – wish to introduce and promote anarchist thought and social practice in all their various shapes and forms, reaching a wide-ranging audience.
During the two-day conference we will have a chance to examine a broad spectrum of current issues and reflect on the perspective of our future activities, their goals and possibilities for action.

On 1st May we are taking to the streets to put the theory into practice through action! By returning to the original meaning and ideals that this date represents, we refer to the long tradition of workers’ movements. Although it has been over 100 years since the beginning of the struggle for such fundamental rights as 8-hour workday, they are still being breached. On that day we shall manifest workers’ pride and call for self-organisation and solidarity.

Details about the programme and venue coming soon!

For more information and updates visit us at kongresono.bzzz.net.
E-mail: kongresono2017@riseup.net

* The conference will be held in Polish. For non-Polish speakers we can provide whispered interpreting (Polish → English).

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Posted in Autonomy

1st May – Fuck Parade, Commercial Street, 6pm, London (UK)

Friday, March 11th, 2016

Fuck you all, it’s the Fuck Parade

Meet Sunday 1st May 2016, 6pm @ One Commercial Street, Aldgate, London E1 7PT. Bring what you expect to find.


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Posted in Direct Action

Cross-border raids for Milan NoExpo Mayday riots (Italy, Greece)

Friday, November 13th, 2015

Via Insurrection News.

12.11.15: Police in Italy and Greece launched a repressive operation at dawn this morning against activists who participated in the #NoExpo May Day 2015 mobilizations in Milan.

10 comrades have been detained – 5 in Italy (all in Milan) and 5 in Greece on charges of ‘destruction and looting’, aggravated resisting of the police and misrepresentation.

5 other comrades who are still at large are under investigation for the same charges – 3 in Milan, one in Como and one in Greece.

The detained comrades all had DNA samples taken from them.

More news as it comes.

UPDATE: One woman activist who was arrested in Milan has been released pending further investigation.

(via Radio Onda D’urto)

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Posted in Social Control

Montevideo: Anarchist comrade in prison for fighting with scab taxi-driver on May 1st (Uruguay)

Friday, May 11th, 2012

Rough translation from periodico anarquia:

On the morning of Wednesday, May 8, two comrades were arrested, one in their workplace and the other at home. They were taken to the Special Operations Department and on the morning of Thursday 9 to Court, they declared. One of them was free, while comrade David was charged with prison for assaulting a scab taxi-driver that was working on 1 May. The sentence would be between three months and three years in prison, according to the judge, the final decision will occur in the span of the next ten days and would accuse him of violence and property damage to private vehicles. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Barcelona : A Combative May Day Regained (Catalunya)

Thursday, May 5th, 2011

May Day 2011 comes on the heels of two general strikes (29S, in September, called for by all the unions, and 27G, in January, called only by the anarchosyndicalist and radical independent unions). These strikes saw the creation of over half a dozen neighborhood assemblies and a periodic coordination between them, as well as other groups organizing at a citywide level. The confrontational barricades and pickets of the minoritarian unions (CNT and CGT) were vindicated, as were the insurrectionary anarchists’ tactics of attack and idea of an uncontrolled generalization of the struggle. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Brief Report about Revolutionary May 1st (Germany)

Wednesday, May 4th, 2011

The weekend of the 1st of May 2011 has seen several moments of refusal of the existent igniting into flames of rage.

In the city of Hamburg, a demonstration was called against the gentrification of some former popular districts (such as around the former squatted houses in the Hafenstraße, St. Pauli district), the commercialization of the city and the threatening eviction of the squatted social center „Rote Flora“, existing outside legality since 1989. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Policestation & G4 Security Attacked in Bristol (UK)

Monday, May 3rd, 2010

1 May 2010

“Two attacks carried out in the St.Pauls area – a smashing night for the Revolutionary 1st May.

Newfoundland Road Policestation attacked with rocks, several vehicles damaged.

Group 4 Security vehicles at Norfolk Avenue office attacked also with stones.

Solidarity with the fighters of ‘Revolutionary Struggle’ in Greece.

Solidarity with Giannis Dimitrakis, Alfredo Maria Bonanno, Christos Stratigopoulos, and all other prisoners in struggle.”

Anarchist cells

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Posted in Direct Action