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The A-Infos Project is coordinated by an international collective of revolutionary anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist activists, involved with class struggle and who regard it as a total social struggle.

These are people who conceive themselves as revolutionary class struggle social anarchists, anarcho-communists, libertarian communists, syndicalists and others who hold similar opinions but use other labels.

A-Infos is organized by people who feel anarchism is a social theory, and that a revolution is necessary to bring about the new class-less social order, and that this revolution can only be made by the vast majority of the working people.

The specific kind of anarchism we talk about and promote is the anarchism of the Haymarket martyrs and those expelled by Karl Marx from the First International for criticizing his authoritarianism and the elitist, vanguardist degradation of the masses of The specific kind of anarchism we talk about and the working class...

We do not support the kind of anarchism proposed by some pseudo-modernists and pseudo-"revolutionaries" who regard symbolic activity as substitute to mass struggle, or the kind of anarchism of "humanists" who hold other tasks as equal or more important than the revolutionary struggle for abolishing the capitalist system.

A-Infos work is not inspired by egoistic and egocentric individualism, primitivism, "free capitalism without a state" or even a state without free capitalism - who oppose the present capitalist order but do not offer instead a viable model of modern social order of freedom, equality, and solidarity.

It is not enough for individuals and groups to use an anarchist label for their texts to be distributed by A-Infos.

In the struggle for a free society, we distribute news and articles in several languages, covering a wide range of areas of struggle. These include workplace and environmental struggles as well as the fight against racism, sexism and homophobia. A-Infos also distributes news on indigenous peoples anti-colonialist fight against settlers, occupation and marginalization, as well as anti-nationalist and anti-regional separatist struggles, because workers have no country but the world as a whole....

A-Infos is specialized press agency, in the service (as we see it best) of the movement of revolutionary anti-capitalist activists who are involved in the various social struggles against the capitalist class and its social system.

A-Infos is not an open "liberal" service that distributes anything "we" are sympathetic to -- it is not Indymedia. It is first of all a free distribution tool for information from and about collectives of anarchist (and other anti authoritarian revolutionaries) involved in the struggle.

A-Infos workers do not think we are the ones who should decide who, on the social anarchist camp, is a "real" anarchist or not. However, as resources are limited, we have the right and duty to (autonomously) choose what we distribute what we feel is best among the contributions and contributors. The freedom of association the A-Infos collective is based on means nothing without the freedom not to associate, if workers so choose.

A-Infos has a role to play in the world anarchist movement. Information is strength. A-Infos helps to build a sense of an international movement. A-Infos is, to a certain extent, one of the few international organizational tools of the movement. But to keep this role it must stay a tool in the service of the movement and not a free-for-all information service.

A-Infos is not just an internal movement tool. Like the Anarchist FAQ, it's also a means to present the movement to the wider audience and to a new generation, and acquaint them with international aspects of the movement.

A-Infos is an autonomous anarchist press agency that is not the bullhorn of any "social" movement. Even when self-proclaimed anarchists (or even if real ones) are involved is not a guarantee A-Infos will distribute contributions. Even if we ourselves sympathize with given movements is no guarantee articles will be posted.

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(en) Greece, Libertarian Thessaloniki Initiative: CONCENTRATION IN SOLIDARITY TOTAL NEGATIVE STRATEFSIS DIMITRI D. | 8/6, 12: 00 | COURTS OF THESSALONIKI (gr) [machine translation]
Sun Jun 11 13:05:08 GMT 2017

On Monday, June 5, comrade Dimitris D. Went to give programmed "present" in the Police Department of the Dodecanese, as had been imposed by previous cases. ---- Comrade Dimitris D., As indicated with the public version of the 02.10.2016, has chosen the path of total refusal of military service, refusing to join any national army, anyone armed defender of capital and the state. ----During the process, then, after the partner kept two hours, he was informed of being arrested for "insubordination" and that Tuesday June 6 will be passed by a military prosecutor, did. The military prosecutor released him for the offense, postponing the trial in a regular court session, the date of which has not yet been set. ----In the absence of a partner to pass the marking process against him and recited the charge of disobedience. For this category was led, after completion of the ...

(en) [Kurdistan] Video: Jinwar, the birth of the first village of free women of Rojava By ANA [machine translation]
Sun Jun 11 13:04:53 GMT 2017

The paradigm of women's liberation in the revolution of Rojava is one of the main objectives in which Kurdish society and organizations have been fighting since the first day of the revolt. The advances achieved were vast, women were strengthened in all aspects of life: self-organization, self-defense, culture and language, education, economics, media, etc ... ---- To continue this work, Rojava's comrades have launched the Jinwar project. The construction of a village of free and ecological women, where women can develop independently and put into practice the community life they desire. A space of convergence and development for a sustainable and free life for women, which will also serve as a meeting point and reflection for all women who wish to know the project. ---- You can contact the partners through this email: womensvillage.jinwar@gmail.com ...

(pt) [Grécia] Tolerância zero às práticas de extrema violência. Expulsar os "machados" para fora do movimento By A.N.A.
Sun Jun 11 10:49:58 GMT 2017

O texto a seguir pertence à Iniciativa Anarcossindicalista Rocinante e foi publicado na sua página web, sobre o motivo de uma alegada agressão por parte de um grupo no dia das eleições estudantis na Universidade de Atenas. ---- Na quarta-feira, 24 de maio de 2017, desde a manhã até o fim da tarde, realizaram-se as eleições estudantis na maior parte das universidades do país. Nos dias anteriores realizaram-se intervenções e mobilizações, e repartiu-se material contra as eleições, no âmbito de uma campanha anti-eleitoral realizada por grupos e cole tivos libertários. --- Num evidente contraste com esta posição política, na quarta-feira 24 de maio realizaram-se ataques em várias universidades. Foi, particularmente, chamativa a brutalidade de um grupo de pessoas que tratou de se aproximar à Faculdade de Química durante o processo eleitoral. Com latas de fumaça, paus e, até com ...

(it) alternativa libertaria fdca: Civiltà, primitivismo, anarchismo
Sun Jun 11 10:49:08 GMT 2017

Nell'ultimo decennio si è fatta strada una critica generalizzata alla civiltà da parte di alcuni autori statunitensi. Alcuni di loro hanno scelto di dichiararsi anarchici, sebbene essi si percepiscano più in generale come primitivisti. La tesi complessiva che viene avanzata sostiene che la "civiltà" in sé sia il problema prodotto dalla nostra incapacità di vivere nel rispetto della vita. La lotta per il cambiamento diviene così una lotta contro la civiltà e lotta per un pianeta Terra in cui non vi sia più posto per la tecnologia. ---- Si tratta di una questione interessante che stimola un certo esercizio intellettuale. Sta di fatto, però, che alcuni dei sostenitori di questa tesi hanno usato il primitivismo come una sorta di base da cui criticare tutte le altre proposte finalizzate ad un cambiamento della società. Nell'affrontare tale sfida, gli anarchici ...

(pt) federacao anarquista gaucha: Greve Geral contra o ajuste. Democracia direta com um povo forte nas ruas OPINIÃO ANARQUISTA DA FAG
Sun Jun 11 10:48:50 GMT 2017

Nesse momento em que a crise do governo e do sistema de representação atinge toda gravidade, combater Temer é impor pela mobilização popular nas ruas a derrota do ajuste e da repressão. O ajuste estrutural é uma campanha de guerra aos pobres que se amplia pelas práticas de governo como poder punitivo sobre a vida dos setores populares e médios. As políticas de choque e desmonte dos direitos sociais são as coordenadas de consenso das classes dominantes, a linha que divide uma pequena elite de financistas, industriais, o agronegócio, a grande mídia, tecnocratas e oligarquias políticas da larga maioria do povo. ---- A vitória popular do Fora Temer tem que ganhar expressão pela luta de classes como batalha programática contra o Estado policial de ajuste. Batalha que se vence nas ruas e na construção de poder popular com democracia de base nos locais de trabalho, comunidade, ...

(it) collettivo anarchico: Cena+Concerto: La fantasia abbatterà il potere, una risata lo seppellirà
Sun Jun 11 10:48:29 GMT 2017

Continua la rassegna "di Rivolta in Rivolta"
"La fantasia abbatterà il potere una cantata lo seppellirà"
con Marco Del Giudice voce e chitarre e Porto Franco
Giorgio Parasole voce e flauto, Mattia Damiani tastiere, Simone "Jerry" Loi basso, Dario Del Giudice batteria
musiche di Marco Del Giudice, Giorgio Parasole, Mattia Damiani, Fabrizio De André ed altri
ore 20:30 cena sociale (per prenotazioni 3339861219 - 3395041220)
ore 22 concerto

(fr) Coordination des Groupes Anarchistes - cga lyon: Aube Dorée, une affaire personnelle
Sun Jun 11 10:48:14 GMT 2017

Le dimanche 11 juin à 16h à la librairie la Plume Noire (8 rue Diderot sur les pentes de la Croix-Rousse), les militant-e-s de la CLAF vous propose la projection du documentaire d'Angélique Kourounis "Aube Dorée, une affaire personnelle". ---- L'équipe de production que nous avons contacté a donné "avec plaisir" son accord pour que nous diffusions ce documentaire.Retour ligne automatique ---- La Plume Noire ouvrira ses portes à 15h30 et l'activité est à prix libre. ---- Synopsis ---- Comment un parti raciste qui obtient des années durant moins de 0.2% des votes peut se retrouver au parlement avec 18 députés? ---- Comment un parti qui prône, la violence, la haine, le sexisme et le meurtre peut augmenter son score à chaque pogrom? ---- Comment alors qu'il n'aurait jamais pu exister en l'état en France, Aube Dorée peut rester en Grèce troisième force politique du pays depuis quatre ...

(fr) France, Alternative Libertaire AL #273 - Macron & cie: Ils ne nous mar cheront pas dessus (en, it, pt)
Sun Jun 11 10:47:51 GMT 2017

Ouf. Le spectre de l'extrême droite a été repoussé et Marine Le Pen a été battue. Même si on ne place aucun espoir dans la politique institutionnelle, on ne peut pas s'empêcher de laisser échapper un soupir de soulagement. Mais ce soulagement est de courte durée car, à l'issue d'un second tour marqué par une forte abstention (25,44 % des personnes inscrites, du jamais vu depuis 1969) et une marée de votes blancs (11,47 % des votantes et votants, un record sous la Ve République), on sait très bien que le candidat choisi par défaut ne promet pas de lendemains qui chantent. ---- Emmanuel Macron a donc réussi son coup: profitant de l'engloutissement de Fillon et de l'implosion du Parti socialiste, le candidat de la bourgeoisie libérale et des milieux d'affaires s'est qualifié pour le second tour et a sans surprise battu Marine Le Pen. L'élection de Macron, qui semblait ...

(en) [Greece] Zero tolerance for extreme violence practices. Eject the "axes" out of the movement By ANA (pt) [machine translation]
Sun Jun 11 10:47:24 GMT 2017

The following text belongs to the Rocinante Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative and was published on its website on the reason for an alleged aggression by a group on the day of the student elections at the University of Athens. ---- On Wednesday, May 24, 2017, from morning to the end of the afternoon, student elections were held in most of the country's universities. In the previous days, interventions and mobilizations were carried out, and material was distributed against the elections, as part of an anti-electoral campaign carried out by groups and libertarian collectives. ---- In sharp contrast to this political position, attacks on various universities took place on Wednesday , May 24 . It was particularly striking the brutality of a group of people who tried to approach the Faculty of Chemistry during the electoral process. With cans of smoke, sticks, and even an ...

(en) [Italy] Enough of religious obscurantism By ANA (pt) [machine translation]
Sun Jun 11 10:47:05 GMT 2017

As regards the allegations of the reactionary commission "Beata Giovanna Scopelliti", the Liberian Area (FAI Reggiana and USI of Reggio Emilia) strongly condemns this position taken in the name of religious obscurantism. The delusions of the Committee's statements confirm once again the true face of religion - in this case the Catholic - which never misses an opportunity to show its civil, political, social and human backwardness. ---- Defining homosexuality and transsexuality today as an "addiction" or worse a "disease" is ignorance, violence and still shameful. If something is possible to be repaired, it is certainly not the "public scandal" caused by pride, but rather the complicated and discriminatory mentality of people who vomit hatred and scorn against anyone who does not share their morality in an identical way. ...

(de) Gai Dao N°78 ­ Juni 2017 - Inhalt + Editorial
Sun Jun 11 10:46:54 GMT 2017

Zur aktuellen Situation von Bayram und Giyas in Aserbaidschan ---- Camillo Berneri - Der humanistische Anarchist ---- Friedel54 von Räumung bedroht ---- Inhalt ---- 02 Editorial ---- 03 Inhalt ---- FdA/IFA ---- 04 Pinnwand -- Nachrichten aus den FdA-Gruppen ---- Weltweit ---- 06 Text zur aktuellen Situation von Bayram und Giyas -- in Aserbaidschan ---- Bewegung ---- 09 Für eine neue kämpferische Auszubildendenbewegung! ---- 10 Über einen kleinen Arbeitskampf im Freiburger Club "The Great RängTengTeng" ---- Geschichte ---- 12 Camillo Berneri -- Der humanistische Anarchist Analyse & Diskussion ---- 15 Solidarische Verschwiegenheit und furchtlose Partizipation -- Ist das Konzept der Solidarity Cities auf Deutschland übertragbar? ---- 18 Was Anarchist*innen in derWissenschaft machen sei ihnen überlassen -- Eine Antwort ---- 20 Der andere Anarchismus ...

(ca) Las mentiras de un alcalde by Federación de Anarquistas de Gran Canaria
Sun Jun 11 10:46:45 GMT 2017

El pasado 7 de junio de 2017, en una televisión local grancanaria, le hicieron una entrevista al alcalde del PP de San Bartolomé de Tirajana. Aparte de otros temas, como arremeter contra todas las que se oponen a la destrucción del Veril, el presentador le hizo una pregunta sobre la situación de los Barracones de Juan Grande, sitos en su municipio, a instancias de un miembro del Sindicato de Inquilinas de Gran Canaria.
Este fue el trozo de la entrevista en el que habla sobre ello, editado para resaltar las mentiras que dijo:


(ca) I.F.A. - tierra y libertad #347 - ¿Democráticos o toparcas?
Sun Jun 11 10:46:34 GMT 2017

De vez en cuando aparecen para después desaparecer o institucionalizarse movimientos que reclaman formas de democracia más "auténticas", desde Podemos hasta el Movimiento Cinco Estrellas, pasando por la Primavera Árabe. Se trata generalmente de movimientos que, aun planteando una ampliación de derechos, más transparencia y reglas de decisión más participativas, no ponen en tela de juicio, sustancialmente, las aporías de la democracia. ---- Un poco de con sorpresa y un poco sin ella, hemos recibido recientemente la noticia de la intención del Movimiento Zapatista de presentar una candidata de denuncia con mandato revocable a las elecciones presidenciales de México. Aquí seguramente la confianza en las instituciones está menos afianzada, y la afirmación de que no se trata de la conquista del poder sino de la posibilidad de movilización y de denuncia está abonada en ...

(ca) CRuptura Colectiva (RC): rítica al feminismo liberal, "radical" y posmoderno en Occidente - Anuradha Ghandy
Sun Jun 11 10:45:11 GMT 2017

Introducción general del Movimiento de Mujeres en Occidente, por la camarada Janaki (Anuradha Ghandy) ---- Feminismo liberal. ---- Crítica. ---- Feminismo Radical. ---- Sistema Sexo/Género y patriarcado. ---- Sexualidad: la heterosexualidad y el lesbianismo. ---- Crítica. ---- Anarco-feminismo. ---- Eco-feminismo. ---- Feminismo socialista. ---- Estrategia del feminismo socialista para la liberación de la mujer. ---- Crítica. ---- El feminismo y el posmodernismo. ---- Resumen. ---- Feminismo liberal. ---- El feminismo liberal ha disfrutado de una larga historia en los siglos XVIII y XIX con pensadoras como Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797), Harriet Taylor Mill (1807-1858), Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902) argumentando a favor de los derechos de la mujer en la base de la comprensión filosófica liberal. El movimiento por la igualdad de derechos a las mujeres, especialmente ...

(gr) Εργατική τάξη, μετανάστευση και κρίση στην Αυστραλία - Κάποιες πρώτες σκέψεις
Sun Jun 11 10:16:53 GMT 2017

ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΤΡΩΑΔΙΤΗΣ* --- Στο τέλος του 18ου αιώνα, η αγγλική εργατική τάξη (οι υφαντουργοί, οι εργάτες γης, οι εργάτες στη βιομηχανία σιδήρου, οι ανθρακωρύχοι και άλλοι κλάδοι), ζούσε κατά μεγάλο μέρος στην επαρχία. --- Εκεί απασχολείτο στο σπίτι ή σε μικρά εργαστήρια, με ισχυρές διασυνδέσεις στο χωριό ή τη ζωή της τοπικής ενορίας. --- Ωστόσο, από τις αρχές της δεκαετίας του 1830, πολλοί εργάζονταν σε μεγάλα εργοστάσια κάτω από την πειθαρχία του επιστάτη και των μηχανικών ρολογιών. --- Άρχισαν να μένουν σε άθλιες πόλεις όπως το Μάντσεστερ, το Λίβερπουλ και το Λιντς. --- Χιλιάδες και χιλιάδες εργάτες και οι οικογένειές τους ...

(pt) France, Alternative Libertaire AL #273 - Macron & Cie: Eles não cheront acima de nós março (en, it, fr) [traduccion automatica]
Sun Jun 11 07:18:26 GMT 2017

Ufa. O espectro da extrema-direita foi empurrado e Marine Le Pen foi espancado. Apesar de não colocar qualquer esperança na política institucional, não se pode ajudar, mas deixou escapar um suspiro de alívio. Mas esse alívio é de curta duração, porque, depois de um segundo turno marcado por um número baixo (25,44 % dos inscritos, o maior desde 1969) e uma maré de votos brancos (11,47 % do votante e votação, um registro sob a V ª República), muito bem que o candidato escolhido por padrão sabemos não promete um futuro mais brilhante. ---- Emmanuel Macron, portanto, puxou-lo: aproveitando o afundamento de Fillon e a implosão do Partido Socialista, o candidato da burguesia liberal e da comunidade empresarial se classificou para a segunda rodada e já sem surpresa bater Marinha Le Pen. A eleição de Macron, que ainda parecia totalmente improvável poucos meses, ...

(pt) France, Alternative Libertaire AL - 13 th Congresso (Nantes, 3-5 junho 2017) -- Revisão da Alternativa Libertaire 2015-2017 (en, it, fr) [traduccion automatica]
Sun Jun 11 07:18:19 GMT 2017

Os últimos dois anos foram marcados principalmente pelo movimento social contra a Lei do Trabalho, na Primavera de 2016, ea recusa da segurança endurecimento sob o disfarce de anti-terrorismo. ---- A federação AL, cada vez mais descentralizada, tem feito progressos na sua capacidade para ajudar o grupo AL (CAL) para organizar a ação. Além de um maior investimento mensal Libertaire alternativo, poderia ser suficiente para distribuir equipamentos de resposta reativa incluindo CAL tinha uma necessidade imediata (adesivos, folhetos, cartazes), e campanhas de conduta com base em redes sociais. ---- É impossível listar todas as ações e todos os eventos em que participaram G, a partir de Bruxelas para Toulouse a partir de Rennes a Marselha durante estes dois anos. Vamos ficar aqui para as tendências gerais nesta atividade. ...

(it) France, Alternative Libertaire AL - 13 ° Congresso (Nantes, 3-5 giugno 2017) -- Recensione di Alternative Libertaire 2015-2017 (en, fr, pt) [traduzione automatica]
Sun Jun 11 07:18:11 GMT 2017

Negli ultimi due anni sono stati caratterizzati principalmente dal movimento sociale contro la legge sul lavoro, nella primavera del 2016, e il rifiuto del titolo indurimento con il pretesto della lotta al terrorismo. ---- La federazione AL, sempre decentralizzato, ha fatto progressi nella sua capacità di aiutare il gruppo AL (CAL) organizzare azione. Oltre a un aumento degli investimenti mensile Alternative Libertaire, potrebbe essere sufficiente per distribuire apparecchiature risposta reattiva compreso CAL ha un bisogno immediato (adesivi, volantini, manifesti), e campagne di condotta sulla base di le reti sociali. ---- E 'impossibile elencare tutte le azioni e tutti gli eventi a cui hanno partecipato G, da Bruxelles a Tolosa da Rennes a Marsiglia nel corso di questi due anni. Ci atterremo qui per le tendenze generali in questa attività. ...

(it) usi-ait: Sciopero all'OSR
Sun Jun 11 07:17:24 GMT 2017

Ciao, ---- oggi giornata di sciopero all'OSR, lo sciopero è stato indetto (con tre distinte proclamazioni) da RSU, USI-Sanità e SGB, Nursind ha aderito all'indizione della RSU. ---- Oltre un migliaio di lavoratori hanno partecipato al corteo, organizzato che è partito dalla sede di via Olgettina per terminare nella sede di San Raffaele Turro. ---- I quasi cinque chilometri sono stati percorsi in circa tre ore, è stato un corteo molto comunicativo e ha continuato a ricevere manifestazioni di solidarietà dalle persone, spesso utenti dell'OSR, incontrati lungo il percorso. ---- Vi allego un file con alcune foto, magari un po' di parte, ma le bandiere rossonere erano di gran lunga la maggioranza. ---- Lo sciopero è stato indetto per: ---- * incentivi per 2016 e definizione di un sistema incentivante per il 2017 ---- * rispetto del contratto e degli accordi ...

(it) fdca-nordest: Naon jazz up! Per una cultura diffusa, libera e solidale a Pordenone
Sun Jun 11 07:17:18 GMT 2017

È sulla base di questo messaggio semplice ma incisivo, rivolto alla città come monito di fronte al pericolo di una deriva settaria e negazionista, che nasce uno straordinario evento musicale al quale hanno aderito i migliori jazzisti nostrani (Bruno Cesselli, Massimo De Mattia, Francesco Bearzatti, Juri Dal Dan, Emanuel Donadelli e Romano Todesco); organizzato dal circolo Zapata, si svolgerà sabato 17?giugno alle ore 21 presso il ridotto del Teatro Verdi. ---- Prima le dichiarazioni del sindaco Ciriani, poco intenzionato a concedere un nuovo spazio alla storica ultratrentasettenale associazione culturale di orientamento libertario; poi una riuscitissima raccolta di firme (circa 600) lanciata da un gruppo di storici locali allo scopo di chiedere una sede per il circolo Zapata e la sua importante biblioteca - dotata di 2000 e più volumi; ora questa originale manifestazione ...

(fr) France, Organisation Communiste Libertarie (OCL) - Courant alternatif n° 271 juin 2017 -- Sommaire et édito
Sun Jun 11 07:17:08 GMT 2017

Sommaire ---- page 3 édito ---- Social ---- page 4-5 Nouvelles économies, nouvelles luttes ---- page 6-7 Allia, quand des ouvriers tiennent tête à une multinationale ---- page 8 Suicides et restructurations à la SNCF ---- page 9 Non au démantèlement de la cité jardin à Chatenay Malabry ---- page 10 Ni peste ni choléra, ni patrie ni patrons, ni Le Pen ni Macron (OCL) ---- page 11 lire sans élire ---- Antinucléaire ---- page 12 - 13 faisabilité technique du démantèlement des installations nucléaires ---- page 14 vertement écolo ---- luttes de libération nationales ---- page 15-16 Pays basque: Si le désarmement permet la paix, ce n'est pas encore la paix ---- page 16-17 ETA, 50 ans qui ont marqué la vie politique au Pays Basque ---- page 18 L'économie en brèves ---- Notre mémoire: la révolution russe a 100 ans (4) ---- page 19 à 23 Les femmes dans la révolution russe (A. ...

(fr) Groupe La Sociale - Groupe Anarchiste: Causerie populaire, le 07 juin -- Le compagnon pascal lebrun, militant anarchiste de Montréal est à Rennes dans les prochains jours.
Sun Jun 11 07:16:58 GMT 2017

Mercredi 7 juin à 20h30 au local la commune 17 rue de châteaudun ---- Dans le cadre d'une causerie populaire, Pascal nous présentera le contexte, les luttes et les enjeux propres au mouvement libertaire à Montréal et au Québec. ---- Pour information militante: Samedi le 10 juin de 14h à 18h aux «Ateliers du vent», 59 rue Alexandre Duval. ---- Dans le cadre de l'événement "Paroles et manoeuvres" du centre d'artistes Les ateliers du vent Pascal donnera une conférence: http://www.lesateliersduvent.org/evenement/journee-paroles-and-manoeuvres qui portera sur le lien entre l'énonciation d'un projet de société alternatif et le projet concret d'économie participaliste (ou écopar, connu aussi sous son appellation anglaise, parecon). ---- Publié par Groupe La Sociale de la Fédération Anarchiste à lundi, juin 05, 2017 ---- ...

(fr) France, Alternative Libertaire AL - 13e congrès (Nantes, 3-5 juin 2017) -- Bilan d'Alternative libertaire 2015-2017 (en, it, pt)
Sun Jun 11 07:16:47 GMT 2017

Les deux années écoulées ont été principalement marquées par le mouvement social contre la loi Travail, au printemps 2016, et par le refus du durcissement sécuritaire sous couvert d'antiterrorisme. ---- La fédération AL, de plus en plus décentralisée, a fait des progrès dans sa capacité à aider les collectifs AL (CAL) à organiser l'action. En plus d'un placement accru du mensuel Alternative libertaire, elle a pu être assez réactive pour distribuer du matériel d'intervention dont les CAL avaient un besoin immédiat (autocollants, tracts, affiches), et animer des campagnes en s'appuyant sur les réseaux sociaux. ---- Il est impossible d'énumérer toutes les actions et toutes les manifestations auxquelles AL a participé, de Bruxelles à Toulouse, de Rennes à Marseille, durant ces deux années. On s'en tiendra ici aux tendances générales qui caractérisent cette activité. ...

(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL - 13 th Congress (Nantes, 3-5 June 2017) -- General Orientation Motion (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]
Sun Jun 11 07:15:50 GMT 2017

Summary: ---- From social regression to the "conservative revolution" ? ---- Worsening of inequalities, rising capitalist profits and social breakdown ---- Semi-social, half-reactionary revolts ---- Liberals' leap forward, old recipes of neoreformism ---- Towards an authoritarian regime ? ---- Fighting the next government, anticipating its objectives and finding breaches ---- Hot spots ---- Political practices, practices in struggles ---- Alternative libertarian in action ---- Neither angelicism nor paranoia: to prepare materially and morally for the hardening of security ---- The intervention of AL: a voluntarism without blindness ---- 1. From social regression to the "conservative revolution" ? ---- Worsening of inequalities, rising capitalist profits and social breakdown ---- In France as in the rest of the world, inequalities continue to widen. ...

(en) black rose fed: WHO ARE THE ANARCHISTS AND WHAT IS ANARCHISM? By Thomas Giovanni
Sun Jun 11 07:15:18 GMT 2017

In the wake of the use of militant street tactics at the Trump inauguration protests, the controversial shut down of two prominent right-wing speakers the University in California, Berkeley, and a variety of high profile actions against the far right, anarchists have received increased media attention and sparked widespread debate, particularly around anti-fascist struggles. But many people are still confused about anarchism, associating it with indiscriminate violence, chaos, and disorder. This distorted image runs counter to more than a century of anarchist activity in and outside the United States. So if not chaos or disorder, what does anarchism stand for? What do anarchists believe in? ---- Core Anarchist Values ---- At the most basic level, anarchists believe in the equal value of all human beings. Anarchists also believe that hierarchical power relations are not only ...

(de) fda-ifa: Let‘s take the Streets, Let‘s take the Night! - Feministische Nachttanzdemo am 14. Juni
Sun Jun 11 07:15:02 GMT 2017

DEMONSTRATION für Mädchen*, Frauen*, Lesben*, Trans*- und Inter*-Personen (FLTI*) am 14.06.17, 22 Uhr Rathausplatz Freiburg. ---- Offensiv statt defensiv! ---- Selbstbestimmt statt ohnmächtig! ---- Ob laut oder leise! ---- Wütend - Wollen wir die Nacht erobern! ---- Am 14.06.17 wird sich ein feiernder Zug aus FLTI*-Personen die Freiburger Innenstadt nehmen und damit ein Zeichen gegen Sexismus, sexualisierte Gewalt, Homo- und Transphobie und Rassismus setzen. ---- Denn viele Mädchen*, Frauen*, Lesben*, Trans*- und Inter*-Personen werden groß mit der Angst vor sexualisierter Gewalt und dem Ratschlag Nachts nicht ohne Begleitung an dunkle Orte und Straßen zu gehen. Auch in Clubs sind wir vor dummen Anmachen und Belästigungen nicht sicher. ---- Um dem allgegenwärtigen Sexismus dieser Gesellschaft standzuhalten und entgegenzuwirken, brauchen wir Solidarität unter ...

(de) fda-ifa: Alles Inklusive - Lesung mit Mareice Kaiser von evibes
Sun Jun 11 07:14:46 GMT 2017

Im Rahmen der Kampagne von Pro Choice Sachsen haben wir ein weiteres Highlight für euch organisiert: eine Lesung des Buches "Alles Inklusive" von Mareice Kaiser. Sie beweist wieder einmal: Familien sind vielfältig und divers. Sie folgen nicht immer den gesellschaftlichen Normen und weichen in der Realität häufig ab vom medial inszenierten Kleinfamilienidyll. Und gerade in solchen Fällen wie ihrem zeigt sich, wie viel Änderungsbedarf bei der Unterstützung von Menschen, die mit Behinderungen aufwachsen, noch vonnöten ist. ---- Donnerstag, 08.06.2017 ---- 20:00Uhr @ Projekttheater (Louisenstraße 47) ---- Der Veranstaltungsraum ist rollstuhlgerecht, es gibt Gebärdendolmetschung in DGS. ---- »96 Prozent aller Kinder kommen gesund zur Welt. Meine Tochter gehört zu den anderen vier Prozent.«Ein Buch, das mitnimmt - in einen außergewöhnlichen Familienalltag. ...

(de) af rhein-ruhr: 24.06 - Bochum - Vortrag: Beziehungsanarchie - herrschaftsfrei l(i)eben
Sun Jun 11 07:14:33 GMT 2017

Im Vortrag werden gängige Beziehungsformen differenziert und theoretische Ansätze und praktische Auswirkungen des eigenen L(i)ebens und auf das Außen thematisiert. Die Schwerpunkte lassen sich so zusammenfassen: ---- - Was ist Beziehungsanarchie und wie können wir sie (versuchen zu) leben? ---- - Warum sollten wir das überhaupt versuchen? ---- - Wie viel Raum gebe ich Eifersucht und anderen Ängsten? ---- - Was hat mein (Liebes-)Leben mit Herrschaftsfreiheit zu tun? ---- Dieser Vortrag ist als Anregung gedacht, eigene Gedanken und eigenes Fühlen zu reflektieren, um auch in diesem Bereich des Lebens bewusste Entscheidungen in Theorie und Praxis treffen zu können. Ich freue mich auf euch, Anregungen, Diskussionen und Horizonterweiterung deluxe. Add-On: Es wird einen kleinen (aber feinen!) Nachschlag von Anny zum Thema "Straight Edge & Beziehungsanarchie - ...

(ca) verba-volant: Tolerancia cero a prácticas de violencia extrema. A echar las "hachas" fuera del movimiento
Sun Jun 11 07:10:50 GMT 2017

El siguiente texto de la Iniciativa Anarcosindicalista Rocinante fue publicado en su página web con motivo de una agresión realizada por un grupo de personas el día de las elecciones estudiantiles en una Universidad de Atenas. ---- El miércoles 24 de mayo de 2017, desde la mañana hasta la tarde, se realizaron las elecciones estudiantiles en la mayoría de las universidades del país. Los días anteriores se realizaron intervenciones y movilizaciones, y se repartió material contra las elecciones, en el marco de una campaña anti-electoral realizada por grupos y colectivos libertarios. ---- En claro contraste con este posicionamiento político, el miércoles 24 de mayo se realizaron ataques en varias universidades. Fue particularmente llamativa la brutalidad de un grupo de personas que trató de aproximarse a la Facultad de Química durante el proceso electoral, ¡con botes de ...

(ca) cnt valladolid es: [Convenio Metal 2017] Comparando convenios: Un peón de Burgos cobra más que un oficial de primera de Valladolid
Sun Jun 11 07:10:32 GMT 2017

Detrás de este titular se esconde otro montón de mejoras conseguidas por los/as trabajadores/as del sector metal de nuestra vecina provincia de Burgos a lo largo de las últimas décadas dentro de su convenio. ---- En este artículo vamos a enumerar una lista de derechos sociales y laborales que contiene el Convenio Provincial de Metal de Burgos en comparación con los que "disfrutamos" en el Convenio Provincial de Valladolid, además de indicar las diferencias salariales. Todo esto teniendo en cuenta que el nivel de vida de ambas provincias, con datos estadísticos en la mano, es bastante similar. ---- Diferencia salarial ---- En las categorías más altas del convenio, las diferencias entre uno y otro convenio rondan los 1500-2000 euros al año; por ejemplo, un ingeniero en Burgos cobra 28.884 € y en Valladolid, por el mismo trabajo, percibe 27.219 € . En el caso de los ...

Sun Jun 11 07:09:58 GMT 2017

Abono por desplazamiento en el sector de Oficio: Después de numerosas reuniones solicitando desde la parte sindical la localización para los trabajadores de Ciclo Corto, uno de los escollos principales para llegar a acuerdos en este punto, y tras consultar la Dirección con los responsables del Servicio, nos comunican que por fin van a pasarnos una relación con la asignación a un depósito de los trabajadores afectados. Para realizar esta asignación han tenido en cuenta el recinto donde habitualmente entran a trabajar. De este modo, estos trabajadores tendrían un depósito de referencia, para que cuando sean desplazados a otros diferentes, puedan cobrar el abono por desplazamiento. A pesar de este avance, aún faltan por acordar otras cuestiones relacionadas con este punto, como los traslados de larga duración, los traslados voluntarios... ...

(gr) Απαιτούμε αξιοπρεπή ζωή και αυτή δεν χωράει την τρομοκρατία των εργοδοτών. Αλληλεγγύη στον Α.Μ και στους εργαζόμενους της «Κώστα Γεωργίου Α.Ε.»
Sat Jun 10 13:49:11 GMT 2017

Η εταιρεία πλαστικών «Κώστα Γεωργίου Α.Ε.» στον Αυλώνα, εκτός από τις πλαστικές και χάρτινες τσάντες που προμηθεύει τα καταστήματα του Σκλαβενίτη, των Jumbo, της Wind και αρκετών άλλων, μέσα από την ιστορία του εργάτη Ασίφ Μαχμούντ, έδειξε ότι ειδικεύεται και στο ξύλο, όταν το απαιτεί η περίσταση. --- Για την ακρίβεια, όταν ο Ασίφ, εργάτης από το Πακιστάν, πήγε στις 30 του μήνα στο εργοστάσιο να ζητήσει τα χαρτιά της απόλυσής του και το πιστοποιητικό υγείας που είχε αφήσει όταν προσλήφθηκε, ο εργοδότης άρχισε να τον βρίζει χυδαία και να τον σπρώχνει. --- Κι ενώ ο Α.Μ. επέμενε να πάρει τα χαρτιά του, δέχθηκε εκ ...


Last updated: Sun Jun 11 15:05:13 2017

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