Voltaire's barstard


Progressive humanist.No environment - no us! Real social democracy not corporatocracy.Anti cult of the IPA! .High content. Usual disclosures.

Bergabung Juni 2012

@MickKime diblokir

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  1. me-Retweet

    I've had a little bit of experience about politics and politicians motives - this bloke is a Christian Right dog whistler .

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  2. me-Retweet

    I wish him well but would suggest following Abbott religious dogma may give him headlines but very little else .

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  3. me-Retweet

    Dodgy definition would see Aust achieve 5% below 2000 by 2020 while actual emissions increase from now to 2020 to 11% above 2020.2/2

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  4. me-Retweet

    At least the UK Parliament has a debate about going to war . John Howard declared war in Iraq before the Parl debate had concluded .

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  5. me-Retweet

    A Government that is surrounded in Secrecy about its Detention Centres, A Government that makes Asylum seeker boats "Disappear"

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  6. me-Retweet

    A Government that becomes an accomplice by paying People Smugglers to "Turn The Boats Back"

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  7. me-Retweet

    A Government that accepts "Illegal Donations from N.S.W Property Developers channelled into Slush Funds

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  8. me-Retweet

    The in is the 352nd mass shooting of 2015. Yes,its a big country but one per day is a situation.

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  9. me-Retweet

    Ah, the Nats. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

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  10. me-Retweet

    I guess those poor tobacco firms should divest to arms production or running detention centres and prisons..

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  11. me-Retweet

    People killed in the Paris terrorist attacks: 130 People killed in American shootings: 100 PER DAY

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  12. me-Retweet

    Imagine thinking you were SO important that you could charge a $30k flight to the punters. Astounding arrogance.

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  13. me-Retweet

    When ratted on Liberals to become Speaker asked his Caucus to do everything possible to bring him down. He pushed it hard

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  14. me-Retweet

    Want to bet that the will say this could have been avoided if disable people were armed?

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  15. me-Retweet

    Editorial: Mal Brough should step aside until police investigation is finished via smh editorial

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  16. Gunns were eco terrorists.Their demise was a massive relief.The fight still goes on!

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  17. me-Retweet

    Tobacco consumption crashing in Australia

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    Permalink gambar yang terpasang
  18. me-Retweet

    Democratic presidential candidate weighs in on active shooter situation in , CA.

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