Resources for teachers

Information, resources and support for new and existing academic staff. Curriculum design, teaching and learning principles, working online, training workshops, and professional development opportunities.

Resources for teachers

The following provide a starting point for new teaching staff seeking to understand the teaching and learning principles of the University and to develop their own approaches to effective teaching.

Nine Principles Guiding Teaching and Learning (2.05Mb pdf) is a simple guide to The University of Melbourne's expectations of teaching excellence. These principles are approved by Academic Board and closely related to the UoM Graduate Attributes.

Melbourne graduates attempt to articulate the shared learning aspirations of all University of Melbourne degrees in terms of the skills, knowledge and qualities that every student should achieve by graduation.

The University Handbook entry for the degree course(s) in which you teach provides essential information about the context of your program and subjects and about the wider learning expectations that the students you are teaching must meet. Students will seldom be studying your subject(s) in isolation and some knowledge of the aims, regulations and possibilities of the degree as a whole can assist in curriculum design and in identifying and responding to student learning needs. For more information please view the Bachelor of Arts outline, content, aims and rules in the Handbook.

Further general resources are available on the website of the Centre for the Study of Higher Education (CSHE):

Teaching and Learning Quality Assurance Committee (TALQAC) have also produced a number of useful guides for teaching staff

Curriculum Design Lab

Curriculum Design Lab logo

The Curriculum Design Lab was established by the Faculty of Arts at The University of Melbourne to foster and support teaching innovation in the new Arts West facility and the faculty more broadly. We work across all arts and social science disciplines with a strong focus on active learning strategies, teaching technologies, professional development initiatives, pedagogical research and community partnerships.

More information for staff

Casual Tutor Recruitment System (CTRS) user guides

For more information please see the Faculty of Arts staff intranet Casual academic staff (tutor) recruitment web page.

Professional development

Professional development opportunities for teaching staff.

The Faculty of Arts runs a year-long program of support and professional development activities. In 2017, this includes the following:

  • Teaching and Learning Community of Practice. See your LMS page for access and more details
  • Open House on Teaching, semester 2, dates TBA. A week-long timetable of open classrooms, enabling you to observe innovative teaching in practice
  • Research Connections: Arts Teaching and Learning Symposium, dates TBA. A symposium whose themes and form take direction from discussions among sessional teaching staff on the T&L Community of Practice

The Centre for the Study of Higher Education (CSHE) Professional development web page offers a wide range of professional development opportunities throughout the year, ranging from formal courses to individual conferences and seminars:

Learning Assurance

For more information on Learning Assurance please see the Policies, procedures and guidelines web page.

Policies, procedures and guidelines

For more information regarding Academic program policies and procedures please see the Policies, procedures and guidelines web page.