John Masefield Prize

Study level
Undergraduate; Honours; Graduate coursework; Graduate research
Enrolment status
Current student
University Trust Record



The topic is 'Sustainability'

Study Area


John Masefield was Poet Laureate of the United Kingdom from 1930 until his death in 1967.

Applicants must submit an original poem in English, of not more than fifty lines, on a subject prescribed by the Academic Board.

In 2016 the subject is 'Sustainability'




The prize is open to all enrolled students and will be determined by the Academic Board on the recommendation of a committee appointed by the School of Culture and Communications.


Recipients are required to:

  • Accept award online within 21 days
  • Write a letter of appreciation to their donor/committee (upon acceptance) and send to


Applicants will be advised of the outcome via email within 6-8 weeks after the closing date.

Application process

Applications are emailed to the Academic Secretary from the applicants' University student email address with the subject line 'John Masefield Prize'.

If any information is missing you will be ineligible for the award.

Applicants must include:

  1. University allocated student email address
  2. Student number
  3. Copy of poem original poem in English, of not more than fifty lines, on the prescribed subject


Email the Academic Secretary, for more information.


The amount available for this award is approximate. It will be confirmed at the time of awarding and determined by the committee according to the terms of the award.

The judges' decision will be final and the University reserves the right not to award the prize in the event it is considered that no work of sufficient merit has been submitted. Winning applicants please note the University of Melbourne reserves the right to publish the name of the winning applicant on its websites and other University of Melbourne publications.