Graduate Research in Arts Travel Scheme (GRATS) Top-Up Scholarship

31st Mar 2016
31st Dec 2016
Study level
Graduate research
Enrolment status
Current student
University Trust Record
Study Area


From 2015, the funding for the MATS travelling scholarship (a University-wide award) has been distributed to faculties depending on RTS load.

This funding will be used to support a competitive top-up scholarship tied to the Faculty's current Graduate Research in Arts Travel Scheme (GRATS), with the below eligibility requirements and selection criteria.


$2,000. The amount available for this award is approximate. It will be confirmed at the time of awarding and determined by the committee according to the terms of the award.



Applicants must meet the following criteria;

  • have submitted an application for GRATS in that year for the purposes of international travel,
  • have submitted a reasonable budget for the trip which demonstrates that the funding allowable under the GRATS scheme is not sufficient to cover expected travel expenses,
  • have submitted a supporting letter from themselves and their supervisor that clearly explains how the proposed travel will add value to and facilitate timely completion of the research thesis,
  • have not previously received the MATS (GRATS Top-Up) scholarship.

The conditions which apply to the GRATS scheme also apply to the Top-Up Scholarship, including the submission of an expenditure report by 1 March of the year following the travel.

Selection criteria

Applications will be assessed competitively by the PhD Fieldwork Committee.

Applicants whose overseas study trip has more than one study purpose will be viewed more favorably.

The selection panel will take into account evidence of likelihood to complete on-time; such evidence could include recently completed progress reports, timelines for completion etc.

Relative academic merit of the research trip can also be a factor for consideration of the awarding committee.

Application process

There will be two deadlines per year, April 30 (to coincide with the second round of GRATS applications) and 31 October (to coincide with the fourth and final round of GRATS applications)

Late or incomplete applications for the Top-Up Scholarship will not be accepted under any circumstances.

Applicants must submit the required supporting letter and application cover sheet. These can be submitted simultaneously with a GRATS application, or independently if a GRATS application has already been submitted. The supporting and evidentiary documents from the GRATS application will be used in consideration of this award.





The amount available for this award is approximate. It will be confirmed at the time of awarding and determined by the committee according to the terms of the award.

The judges' decision will be final and the University reserves the right not to award the prize in the event it is considered that no work of sufficient merit has been submitted. Winning applicants please note the University of Melbourne reserves the right to publish the name of the winning applicant on its websites and other University of Melbourne publications.