A.F. Davies Prize

Study level
Graduate research
Enrolment status
Current student
University Trust Record


Study Area
Sociology, Political Science


This prize is in recognition of the late Professor Alan Davies and is awarded to the best research paper in the disciplines of Political Science and Sociology accepted by refereed journals in the last 12 months (up to closing date of award) in the judgement of the Committee.

Professor Davies' work spans the disciplines of Political Science and Sociology, playing a key role in their development in Australia. As Chair and Head of the Department of Political Science at The University of Melbourne, his work had a major influence on Australian political science, through a contribution ranging from pioneering political psychology to the study of local government, in particular through works exploring political passion, politics as work and the Australian political system. His work featured prominently in teaching programs in political science in universities throughout Australia. Alan Davies' work also played a key role in the constitution of the discipline of Sociology in Australia, in particular his research and writing on class and political sociology. He played a key role in a number of texts that lay the foundations for the development of Australian sociology from the 1970s.




Open to Graduate Research students in political science or sociology enrolled in a PhD or research Masters in the year that their article is submitted to a refereed journal.


The Committee will determine whether a paper can be classified within the disciplines of Political Science or Sociology and if a student is eligible for the award. Their decision in this matter is not subject to appeal. The Committee may determine not to award the Prize in a given year.

The scholarship is available initially for one year but extension of scholarship for a further period may be considered

Recipients are required to:

  • Accept award online within 21 days
  • Write a letter of appreciation to their donor/committee (Upon acceptance)


Applicants will be advised of the outcome via email within 6-8 weeks after the closing date.

Application process

You must supply the following documents to support your application. You can upload these into the application form:

  1. Copy of research paper/article submitted
  2. Academic transcripts of all tertiary education to date
  3. Refereed journal - evidence of acceptance and referees reports

Please ensure you have the above information available before you commence your online application.



Email artsprizes-info@unimelb.edu.au.


The amount available for this award is approximate. It will be confirmed at the time of awarding and determined by the committee according to the terms of the award.

The judges' decision will be final and the University reserves the right not to award the prize in the event it is considered that no work of sufficient merit has been submitted. Winning applicants please note the University of Melbourne reserves the right to publish the name of the winning applicant on its websites and other University of Melbourne publications.