

Flowers for the rebels who failed: Rebellion in Patagonia by Osvaldo Bayer

Rebellion in Patagonia tells how the anarchist-organised rural workers strike in 1920-21 and win historic concessions, after the army and reformist politicians opt for compromise. The landowners are intent on destroying the workers’ organisation and resist implementing the agreement, which leads to the second strike (of 1921). The owners want a solution, one that leaves them in full control. ‘If the military doesn’t intervene, “there will be nothing but ruins and desolation.”’ (p148 quoting La Nación) Why is there a problem? ‘“Outside agitators, the aftertaste of unrestricted immigration, profess doctrines in which those who were once slaves will take the place of their oppressors.”’ (p121, quoting La Unión) Class interests are sprinkled with patriotic rhetoric. Political pressure is applied to the reformists. The army is encouraged – this time – to return things to ‘business as usual’. In other words, to massacre the strikers.


Brooding Over Revolution and Bending Realities: Sci Fi as Social Movement. A Review of Octavia’s Brood: Science Fiction Stories from Social Justice Movements

A Review of Octavia’s Brood: Science Fiction Stories from Social Justice Movements (2015, AK Press/IAS) and Sisters of the Revolution: A Feminist Speculative Fiction Anthology (2015, PM Press), by Kim Smith

Institute for Anarchist Studies
September 6, 2016

This book review appears in the current issue of Perspectives on Anarchist Theory (N. 29, on anarcha-feminisms) available here, from AK Press.


Review: Party of Which People?

Review of Thomas Frank's Listen, Liberal: Or Whatever Happened to the Party of the People?

Review by Wayne Price


Review: The Communard Manifesto, by Las Indias Cooperative Group

by Kevin Carson
August 11th, 2016
Center for a Stateless Society

The Communard Manifesto (Las Indias, May 9, 2016). Translated by Level Translation.

By way of background, the Communard Manifesto comes out of the Las Indias Cooperative Group, which is a real-world venture in establishing a phyle — a non-territorial networked economic support platform — of the kind that Las Indias’s David de Ugarte described theoretically in his 2009 book Phyles.


Warlike: A review of Black and Green Review No. 3

from Desde el instinto

Black and Green Review is a U.S magazine that is the most recent project of John Zerzan and Kevin Tucker. Mr. Zerzan needs no introduction in anti-civ circles as he is, after Uncle Ted (Kaczynski) the best known theorist in the world in this school of thought. Kevin Tucker is less well-known, but he is a writer who works with Zerzan on publications such as Green Anarchy from last decade, but also on his own projects such as Species Traitor which was a magazine along the lines of the current Black and Green Review: more of a book than a magazine with various articles from different authors. As a magazine, Black and Green Review is physically very well made, with various sections of short and long articles, and it is a little over two hundred pages long.


Max Stirner: Mixed bag with a pomo twist

Review by Jason McQuinn
Modern Slavery magazine

Max Stirner edited by Saul Newman (Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2011) 223 pages, $90.00 hardcover.


Book Review: Unruly Equality: US Anarchism in the 20th Century by Andrew Cornell

Unruly Equality: US Anarchism in the 20th Century. Andrew Cornell. University of California Press. 2016.

In Unruly Equality: US Anarchism in the 20th Century, the US anarchist and educator Andrew Cornell portrays anarchism as a complex and historically evolving ideology which cannot be reduced to the search for individual freedom. The writer’s primary historiographical purpose is to offer a prehistory of contemporary anarchism and to underline the importance of the period 1940-60, which is frequently seen as one of stagnation for the anarchist movement in the United States.


Review: Anarchy in the USA

by Ron Jacobs
The Counterpunch
January 15, 2016


Aberrations in Black – A Review

by Miriam, Detroit
First of May Anarchist Alliance Minneapolis Collective

Ferguson, Roderick A. Aberrations in Black. Toward a Queer of Color Critique. (Minneapolis, London. University of Minnesota Press. 2004. Critical American Studies Series.)


Malcolm Harris on Unruly Equality : U.S. Anarchism in the Twentieth Century

Left Behind: Why Marxists Need Anarchists, and Vice Versa

Malcolm Harris
December 20th, 2015
Los Angeles Review of Books

Unruly Equality : U.S. Anarchism in the Twentieth Century
Andrew Cornell
University of California Press
416 pages

IN AN 1875 letter to German socialist politician August Bebel, Friedrich Engels complained — on behalf of himself and Karl Marx — about being teased by anarchists. Bebel’s Social Democratic Workers’ Party was merging with the General German Workers’ Association, the latter of which advocated a parliamentary road to socialism rather than a revolutionary one.


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