North America

General news occurring in Canada, Mexico and the United States.


'Ludicrous' as Flint Tells Residents: Pay for Poisoned Water or We'll Cut You Off

by Sarah Lazare
January 15, 2016
by Common Dreams

Amid a crisis that has poisoned the water supply of an entire city, authorities in Flint, Michigan are under renewed fire on Friday for sending out shut-off notices to residents who are behind on paying their water bills.

Slammed as "ludicrous, the move comes as Republican Governor Rick Snyder finally asked President Obama to step in and declare a federal state of emergency.


Not Our City Anymore

By Longshanks
Issue #118: Spring 2015

1967: If you’re going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair.

2015: If you’re coming to San Francisco, be sure to bring some dollars for your fare.


Decoding the Zapatista Message on Elections: Why Voting Isn’t Enough

by Courtney Parker
IC Magazine
August 24, 2015

The Zapatistas recently responded to circulating false accusations that charge the peaceful revolutionary group with attempting to turn the public against electoral democracy, and even more specifically, against voting. The winding narrative exposes intersecting themes that, while sometimes contextualized in specific terms, can be decoded by stakeholders in every sphere as a deep-cutting critical analysis of modern electoral politics as a whole.


Mexico: How 43 Students Disappeared In The Night

By Ryan Devereaux
The Intercept
May 4, 2015

THE NIGHTMARE BEGAN just after sundown. At a dimly lit intersection in Iguala, police with automatic weapons surrounded three buses loaded with college students. The police opened fire. Screaming that they were unarmed, the students fled down darkened alleys, pounding on doors, desperate for shelter. Gunmen put the city on lockdown, stalking the streets in a drizzling rain.

By the time the gunfire finally stopped, two dozen people were wounded and six were dead at three locations, the youngest only 15 years old. One student was shot in the head, leaving him brain dead. A bullet ripped through the mouth of another. Two young men bled to death in the streets, left for hours without medical help. First light brought fresh horrors when the mutilated body of one of the students was discovered in the dirt.

Worse was yet to come. During the chaos, 43 students had been taken captive.


News from Protests in Baltimore


Last Night in Baltimore

by Anonymous
April 26, 2015

Unsurprisingly, corporate media covering Saturday’s events in Baltimore are covering up the extent of last nights riot. In our opinion primarily due to the fact that what took place was a direct result of the State’s complete tactical failure policing the streets. Were they to acknowledge what ACTUALLY happened would be to admit to all of America (as they were watching or reading on their screens) that they have no ability to control us when we really rage. They simply don’t have enough pigs.

No doubt we will see top level reshuffling of whoever orders the pigs around in Baltimore as a result, because they fucked up big time last night. Or we will be seeing the National Guard on the streets of Baltimore by next week.

The State is terrified of the possibility of this being THE trigger. The one they can’t contain.


Thousands gather across Canada to protest proposed anti-terror legislation

By Morgan Lowrie The Canadian Press
Mar 14 2015

Thousands of Canadians came together to loudly denounce the Conservative government's proposed anti-terror legislation, Bill C-51, in scores of rallies held across the country on Saturday.

In Toronto, a large crowd gathered in Nathan Phillips Square, where NDP MPs Peggy Nash and Andrew Cash spoke, as well as Green Party Leader Elizabeth May.

In a park in Montreal's north end, a few dozen of the hundreds of demonstrators taped their mouths shut in protest of the bill, which opponents say would allow the government to stifle protest and dissent. As they marched toward the office of Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau, many of the large contingent waved signs bearing messages such as “Stop Harper,” and “Activism is not a crime.”


On visiting the Zapatista community of Oventic

Tom Murray
Workers Solidarity Movement

Last November, I took part in a week-long language school at Oventic, Chiapas.[1] I spent the week living and learning with two US-based comrades – Laila, a tattoo artist and socialist/feminist from Memphis, and Michael, a housing rights activist from Baltimore – alongside the wider Zapatista community of Oventic. Our ‘guides’ for the week were our neighbours – Natalio and Paloma as well as Stephanie (who was learning to be a teacher) and Efrain (a linguist, philosopher and educator all rolled in to one). These were the people we met and spoke with every day. What follows are some reflections recorded along the way.

On the Zapatista community


Red Cross Demands Corrections to Our ‘Misleading’ Coverage. Here’s Our Response

by Justin Elliott and Jesse Eisinger, ProPublica, and Laura Sullivan

NPR, Feb. 18, 2015

The American Red Cross recently sent ProPublica and NPR a request for corrections to our series of stories about the charity's failures in responding to Hurricane Isaac and Superstorm Sandy, misleading donors about how money is spent, and other issues. We stand by our reporting and have found no instances of errors. We have responded in detail below, noting where the Red Cross' assertions are misleading or incorrect.

The organization's request for corrections came shortly after we sent questions related to our ongoing reporting, specifically about the Red Cross' response to the 2010 Haiti earthquake.

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