Mental Health


An Anarchist Critique of Re-Evaluation Counseling

by Anonymous

Re-Evaluation Counseling (R.C.) is an organization created in the United States by Harvey Jackins and others in the 1960's. The stated intention of R.C. is to spread the process of “co-counseling” in order to assist people in resolving past trauma and also as a tool for “social change.” RC, as an organization, has spread throughout the world, and exists in most major cities in the U.S. as well as a variety of places around the world. It is informally referred to as “co-counseling” by many adherents.

R.C. as an organization has faced significant criticism throughout the course of its existence, particularly for its cult-like aspects, its rigid, authoritarian structure, its homophobia, and widespread allegations of rape and silencing of those who speak out about it. These topics will be touched upon in this article.


Police Brutality & Mental illness: some thoughts on social work and de-escalation

By an anonymous social worker
Issue #118: Spring 2015

For the past year and a half, I have been a working professional with a nine to five schedule. What is different about my job is who I work with and the type of work I do.

I am employed by a mental health non-profit to be part of an Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) team. Supported by federally distributed tax dollars, we see each of the people we help at least three times a week and base their appointments off their individualized needs. Some people need therapy, some need help with grocery shopping, some need to get a free HIV test, others need to be accompanied to 5 different doctors, and most need someone to take a walk in nature with them and encourage them to get away from their television set for a few moments.

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