

And Fidel Left…

By Gustavo Rodríguez

Translator’s Note: This essay was penned by Cuban comrade Gustavo Rodriguez in the early morning hours after the announcement of Fidel Castro’s death. Posted on social media on the following day in Mexico, Latin America, and Spain, his essay was immediately met with virulent criticism from various quarters of the Left and ultimately removed from various sites[1]. We offer this English translation of Rodriguez’s essay as a direct counter to the fawning over an authoritarian leader who ultimately co-opted an historic, potent mass movement in Cuba; who silenced generations of activists and artists; who used murder and deceit to wield and maintain power; and who ultimately betrayed the hopes and dreams of a people with deep libertarian socialist traditions.


Fidel Castro (1926-2016)

by Samuel Farber

After a long illness that forced him to withdraw from office in July 2006, Fidel Castro died on November 25. Castro had previously survived many U.S. efforts to overthrow his government and physically eliminate him including the sponsorship of invasions, numerous assassination attempts and terrorist attacks. He held supreme political power in Cuba for more than 47 years, and even after having left high office he continued to be politically engaged for several years meeting with numerous foreign personalities and writing his Reflexiones in the Cuban Communist Party press.


Is Obama really helping Cuban dissidents?

by Bill Weinberg
World War 4 Report


New Anarchist/Libertarian Social Center Opening in Cuba: A Call for Donations

Centro Social Libertario in Cuba. Call for donations.

The borders are opening after many years, and changes in Cuba predict new possibilities and dangers for the Cuban society. It is essential, therefore, reinforce the work of those that from Cuba defend a critical, anti-capitalist and antiautoritarial system-world , the same machine expressed every day more clearly in the national life.

After more than a decade of social and political activism in the Critical Cuban Observatory and five years as part of the Alfredo Lopez Libertarian Workshop (Tlal) , we have identified as the main difficulty for our performance and expanding for our social impact, the lack of a permanent base, which allows to build community and shape our identity stronger and lasting way.

Who we are?

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