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Overhead Imagery: The U.S. Target New Revelations

February 28, 2017

Eisenhower Concluded Neither U.S. Military Operations Nor Popular Uprisings Were Feasible in Soviet-Controlled Eastern Europe, Despite “Rollback” Rhetoric
CIA’s Dulles Agreed: “You Don’t Revolt in the Face of Tanks, Artillery and Tear Gas; Revolutions Are Now at the Top”
Overhead Imagery: The U.S. Target New Revelations

February 15, 2017

Top Air Force Official Told JCS in 1971: “We Could Lose Two Hundred Million People [in a Nuclear War] and Still Have More Than We Had at the Time of the Civil War”
Declassified Diary Excerpt and Other Records of Ex-JCS Chairman Moorer Detail Highest-Level Military Deliberations, Including with White House
Overhead Imagery: The U.S. Target New Revelations

February 7, 2017

CIA Covert Aid to Italy Averaged $5 Million Annually from Late 1940s to Early 1960s, Study Finds
Previously Unpublished Draft Defense Department History Explores U.S. Policy toward Italy, Spotlights Role of Flamboyant Envoy, Clare Boothe Luce
Overhead Imagery: The U.S. Target New Revelations

January 23, 2017

The Last Superpower Summits
New book analyzes detailed transcripts of Gorbachev, Reagan and Bush meetings 1985-1991
Overhead Imagery: The U.S. Target New Revelations

January 17, 2017

Operation Condor: Condemned to Life!
Rome Court Concludes 2-Year Trial on Multinational Repression
Overhead Imagery: The U.S. Target New Revelations

December 25, 2016

The End of the Soviet Union 1991
U.S. Policy to Gorbachev: “We Support the Center and You Personally”
Overhead Imagery: The U.S. Target New Revelations

December 23, 2016

New book combines Soviet and U.S. transcripts of highest-level meetings that ended the Cold War
Gorbachev offered arms race in reverse; Reagan recommended quiet on human rights; Bush sounded very encouraging in 1987 but the 1989 pause interrupted progress
Overhead Imagery: The U.S. Target New Revelations

December 22, 2016

Reagan's Nuclear War Briefing Declassified
Kremlin Leaders Among Prime Targets in War Plan
Overhead Imagery: The U.S. Target New Revelations

December 20, 2016

President’s Daily Brief Spotlighted Soviet Missile and Space Programs in 1960s and 1970s
Daily Briefings Underscored Threats to National Security, Propaganda Value of Rival Programs
Overhead Imagery: The U.S. Target New Revelations

December 14, 2016

OPERATION CONDOR: Officials of Amnesty International Targeted for 'Liquidation'
Repression in Argentina: Obama Administration Declassifies Top Secret Intelligence Files
Overhead Imagery: The U.S. Target New Revelations

December 12, 2016

Nunn-Lugar 25th Anniversary Shows Cooperative Security Worked
3429 Soviet Nuclear Warheads Outside Russia at End of USSR in 1991, None Blew Up
Overhead Imagery: The U.S. Target New Revelations

December 8, 2016

The Vela Incident: South Atlantic Mystery Flash in September 1979 Raised Questions about Nuclear Test
CIA Panel Found Evidence “Consistent” with a “Nuclear Explosion in Outer Space” But White House Board Later Disagreed
Overhead Imagery: The U.S. Target New Revelations

December 6, 2016

Inside Able Archer 83, the Nuclear War Game that Put U.S.-Soviet Relations on "Hair Trigger"
New Book Publishes Former Top Secrets from CIA, NATO, and Soviet Politburo
Overhead Imagery: The U.S. Target New Revelations

December 2, 2016

FOIA@250: World’s First Freedom of Information Act Dates to 1766
The Enduring Legacy of Finland’s Anders Chydenius
Overhead Imagery: The U.S. Target New Revelations

November 25, 2016

The Iran-Contra Affair 30 Years Later: A Milestone in Post-Truth Politics
Declassified Records Recall Official Deception in the Name of Protecting a Presidency
Overhead Imagery: The U.S. Target New Revelations

November 18, 2016

Echoes of the 1956 Hungarian Revolt in Romania, 60 Years After
Romanian Students Organized Meetings – Authorities Were Quick to Crack Down, Romanian and U.S. Documents Show
Overhead Imagery: The U.S. Target New Revelations

November 2, 2016

The NUMEC Affair: Did Highly Enriched Uranium from the U.S. Aid Israel's Nuclear Weapons Program?
U.S. Officials in 1960s Believed Americans Had Cooperated with Israeli Intelligence
Overhead Imagery: The U.S. Target New Revelations

October 31, 2016

CIA Releases Controversial Bay of Pigs History
2016 Change in FOI Law Overturns Agency Stonewalling
Overhead Imagery: The U.S. Target New Revelations

October 12, 2016

Gorbachev’s Nuclear Initiative of January 1986 and the Road to Reykjavik
Soviet nuclear abolition proposal in January 1986 welcomed by Reagan, set stage for historic Reykjavik summit and the INF Treaty 30 years ago

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