Mar 1 2017

‘The Basis of a Humane Immigration Policy Is to Respect People as Human Beings’

CounterSpin interview with Mizue Aizeki on criminalizing immigrants

“The exclusion and expulsion of particular groups of people who have been deemed a threat, or un-American, has very much been part of the whole project of nation-building since the very beginning.”

Mar 1 2017

Media Fawn Over Trump’s Success at Saying Words in Semi-Coherent Fashion

The expectations game was in full play during Trump’s speech to Congress last night: So long as Trump wasn’t his petulant, incoherent, race-baiting self, it would be considered a victory for the 45th president.

Feb 28 2017

Shotgun Pointed at Black Children Trivialized as ‘Confederate Flag Incident’

The casual media observer was led to believe that a Georgia couple received lengthy prison sentences for simply showing up to a child’s birthday party waving flags.

Feb 28 2017

NYT Reporting on Trump’s Budget Outline Is Seriously Confused

It really doesn’t make much difference what Donald Trump and Paul Ryan’s political philosophy is. Contrary to what the New York Times might lead us to believe, this is not a battle of political philosophy, it is a battle over money.

Feb 27 2017

Downplaying US Contribution to Potential Yemen Famine

Missing from most reports on threat of famine in Yemen’s is the role of the United States and its ally Saudi Arabia—whose two-year-long siege and bombing have left the country in ruins.

Feb 24 2017

NPR Spins Trump’s ‘Restrained’ Foreign Policy–Ignoring Threats, Bans and Escalation

Things like the total colonization of Palestine, increased tensions with Iran, further bombing and starving of Yemeni civilians and veiled threats to Mexico don’t really register on NPR’s “restraint” radar.

Feb 24 2017

NYT Cites FAIR’s ‘Harrumph’ in Obit for Alan Colmes

The New York Times reports that FAIR “harrumphed”: “If the Harlem Globetrotters have the Washington Generals as their nightly fall guys, Sean Hannity has Alan Colmes.”

Feb 24 2017

‘Ajit Pai Wants to Shut Down the Way We Communicate and Organize’

CounterSpin interview with Jessica Gonzalez on Trump's FCC

“Our voices are making a difference, and making it more difficult for them and the administration to undo all of the important consumer protections that we fought so hard for.”