• NSA Contractors Join Privacy Shield

  • Privacy Shield: More Holes than Swiss Cheese

  • 2016: The Year That Icelandic Pirates Shook The System

  • PPIS Ranked Third But Won The Elections In Effect

  • Everything you want to know about Pirate Party Iceland

2016: The Year That Icelandic Pirates Shook The System

2016 will be remembered for the unprecedented and monumental acceptance of the pirate movement by citizens at a national level! We are very happy to see that the first decade of the pirate movement was completed and celebrated by a…

Initiative In Switzerland Calls For A Referendum On “Elections By Sortition”

How representative is our representative democracy system? Does it guarantee all citizens’ equal access to opportunities, like getting elected or involved with decision making or does it need a radical upgrade because it has failed? According to Charly Pache, a…