

'Off the Charts' Violence Against Muslims Ravaging US Communities

by Sarah Lazare
December 18, 2015
Common Dreams

New data confirms anecdotes of rising Islamophobic violence reflect nationwide trend

From an attack on a hijab-wearing sixth grader in the Bronx to the arson of a mosque near Palm Springs, reports of hate crimes targeting Muslims are more than troubling anecdotes, but rather, reflect a measurable nationwide rise in Islamophobic violence, according to two separate studies released this week.

Researchers with the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University (CSU) found that anti-Muslim hate crimes have tripled in the wake of the Paris and San Bernardino attacks.


The French 9/11

by b. traven
Dec 14th, 2015

We participated in the following dialogue with members of the French news source Lundimatin, comparing the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States with the situation in France today. This interview is available in French on their site.


Every Nation Backing This War—Including US—Must Answer for Clinic Bombing: MSF

by Sarah Lazare
December 04, 2015
Common Dreams

From the United States to the United Arab Emirates, every country backing the Saudi Arabia-led military campaign against Yemen "bears responsibility" for Wednesday's bombing of a Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) clinic in southern Yemen, a spokesperson for the medical charity told Common Dreams.

"We feel it is their responsibility to ensure that their fighter jets avoid medical facilities," Karline Kleijer, MSF operational manager for Yemen, said over Skype from Amsterdam.


Is Terrorism actually a threat to the State?

by Zaher Baher

This article arguing that State and the terrorism completes one another's action and make each other stronger and the movement of people weaker. It tells the readers about the motive of killing innocent people by terrorism is not just ideological factor, in fact there are other reasons for this terrible act. Meanwhile the article urges us not to listen to Media, State and terrorist propaganda that they want to divide us. We should not be deceived and our demos and protests should be against both of them in the same time.

Terrorism actually a threat to the State?


Refusal to Call Charleston Shootings “Terrorism” Again Shows It’s a Meaningless Propaganda Term

By Glenn Greenwald
The Intercept

In February 2010, a man named Joseph Stack deliberately flew his small airplane into the side of a building that housed a regional IRS office in Austin, Texas, just as 200 agency employees were starting their workday. Along with himself, Stack killed an IRS manager and injured 13 others.


Interview with Julien Coupat

The public prosecutor’s office has once again kept the description “terrorism” in your case files and asks that you be sent back to prison. How have you taken this news?

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