Bloomington, Indiana: Introducing Plain Words

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Plain Words is a website that seeks to spread news and analyses of interest to anarchists, radicals, and others in struggle in and around Bloomington, Indiana.

All texts and images posted on Plain Words are submitted to us by others unless otherwise noted. We are not an organization or specific group, but simply a vehicle for spreading the words and actions of others.


If you have news, images, reportbacks of actions and demonstrations, communiques, event information, publications, analyses of local trends and situations, updates on projects and campaigns, or anything else coming from an anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist perspective, please email us at plainwordsbloomington [[at]] riseup [[dot]] net. Click here for some tips on digital security and anonymity.

Some general topics of interest to us: anti-racism, women’s liberation, anti-police, graffiti, anti-fascism, queer and trans liberation, ecological struggles, gentrification, prisoner solidarity, reproductive freedom, radical art and music, workers’ struggles, youth liberation, anti-capitalism, autonomous spaces, no borders, anti-technology, animal liberation, squatting, and other liberatory resistance movements.

You can also follow Plain Words on Facebook if you’re into that sort of thing.


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