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Welcome back to the Daily Molotov, all the news that’s fit to make you hate the state. As a quick refresher for new readers following our month-long leave of absence, the Daily Molotov is a roundup of the news and various views from anarchist and non-anarchist sources alike. Here’s today’s top news. RIP Bill Paxton. I wanted to…
Stop Banning Muslims, Stop Banning Guns
The debate over President Trump’s travel ban and the debate over gun control look surprisingly similar – except for who’s on which side. In each case, supporters of the policy argue that it’s necessary in order to prevent incidents of lethal violence, while opponents argue, first, that the policy’s likely impact on such incidents is…
Same Colonial Wealth Extraction, Different Name
Can Someone Protect Us From Our “Protectors”?
In Defense of Extreme Cosmopolitanism
Cosmopolitanism is under assault from across the political spectrum, both in the United States and abroad. Just yesterday President Donald Trump’s chief strategist, alt-right leader and self-described economic nationalist Steve Bannon, told the Conservative Political Action Conference that “the center core of what we believe [is] that we’re a nation with an economy, not an…
Fully Automated Luxury Individualist Anarchism
A Nation of Immigrants, A Nation of Criminals
“Full Employment” Useful Idiots
Lessons from the Practice of Basic Income
Marcus Brancaglione. Lessons from the Practice of Basic Income: A Compendium of Writings and Data. Edited by Bruna Augusto. Translated by Monica Puntel, Leonardo Puntel, Carolina Fisher (São Paulo, 2016). This is a collection of writings by Marcus Brancaglione. Brancaglione is President of ReCivitas (Institute for the Revitalization of Citizenship); Bruna Augusto, who edited the…
Review: The Corruption of Capitalism, by Guy Standing
The State Doesn’t Conserve, It Only Destroys
Steal This Film Review: See it, Share it, Copy it!!
Deleuze, Guattari and Market Anarchism
I. Deleuze, Guattari, Accelerationism There’s been a lot of talk about Deleuze and Guattari around both academic and activist scenes for quite some time. Sometimes they are objects of unfounded derision (decried as “holy fools” by traditionalist socialists like Richard Barbrook), and other times they are the beneficiaries of overtly non-critical praise (see the endless…
Postmodern Philosophy and Market Anarchism: Allies or Enemies?
We Are Not Disposable! Building Alternatives To Prisons
Rethinking Markets: Anarchism, Capitalism, and the State