Friday, August 5, 2016

Native Youth Runners Protest at White House 'NO Dakota Access Pipeline!'

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Photo by Ulrick Francisco: Live at the White House Saturday

Live in front of the White House, runner says, "It is a good day to be alive!"
"It is a good day to be human!"
Dakota runners demanded Obama ensure that this pipeline will not go through.
Runners chanted, "We can't drink oil, keep it in the soil."
"What do we do when our people are under attack?"
"Stand up and fight back"
"What do we do when our water is under attack? 
Stand up and fight back!"

Broadcast live Saturday on Facebook
VIDEO: Actress Shailene Woodley broadcastng live in front of White House.
This video had 78,000 views by Saturday evening.
Shailene Woodley said, "Obama we are out front. Please come out."

VIDEO: Ulrick Francisco streaming live in front of White House of Facebook

VIDEO: Rezpect Water: Live at the White House

Live from the White House

Congratulations to the Native American youth runners who ran from Standing Rock Nation in North Dakota to DC! They ran to halt the Dakota Access Pipeline and its immediate threat to the Missouri River: Defend Sacred Water!
The public is invited to join the runners to protest on Lafayette Square in DC today, Saturday, Aug. 6, 2016, at 1 p.m.
Please share with media.

Photo by Victoria Humphreys


(Above) Native runners protested on Friday at the Army Corps of Engineers, after arriving from their cross country run from Cannonball, North Dakota.

Click arrow below to watch video of Native youth arriving in DC on Thursday!

. video

Read more about their journey on Censored News here:

Video on Facebook:
Check back here for updates.

Support from Hawaii

Watch video below: Native youth runners at White House today!

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