Thursday, August 18, 2016

Fraudulent Scheme: Dakota Access Pipeline Goes From Tar Sands to Gulf

Dakota and Lakota at construction site: Standing Rock

Watch video: Explanation of scheme to permit alternative pipeline system from Alberta tar sands to Gulf, which Dakota Access is now part of

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News

The Dakota Access Pipeline is part of a new pipeline system that goes all the way from the Alberta tar sands to the Gulf of Mexico. The scheme was carried out in secret while people were focused on halting the Keystone XL pipeline.
Enbridge schemed behind the scenes and creating the pipeline in segments to avoid exposure and permit denial.
The scheme was already in place when President Obama visited Standing Rock Sioux Nation in 2014. Now the tar sands giant Enbridge is a major owner of Dakota Access Pipeline.
As the photo below shows, Obama was hugging babies, while not revealing the threat that was to come here. The pipeline destruction and threat is now at the Standing Rock Sioux Nation as shown below.
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Great News! Govinda of Earthcycles is on his way to the Dakota Access pipeline defense. He is bringing his live radio equipment and more. Censored News is raising funds Michelle Cook -- Navajo and recent law school graduate -- to assist with the live broadcast from the camp. Both are enroute to the camp. Funds for Michelle can be donated at Censored News. Please make a note on the donation for the purpose.
Funds are also needed for new equipment for Censored News ongoing breaking news coverage for video camera, laptop and audio equipment.
Brenda Norrell, PMB 132, 405 E. Wetmore Rd., Ste 117, Tucson, Arizona 85705
Map of new pipeline system from Alberta tar sands to Gulf


Tedi said...

This is not true I live here it it going from the bakken to Illinois. Get starting rumors

Tedi said...

This is not true I live here it it going from the bakken to Illinois. Get starting rumors

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