One Nation candidate Ray Gould quits Kalamunda a week out from election

Updated March 03, 2017 19:59:39

There are further signs of disunity in Pauline Hanson's One Nation party, with one of its candidates in a key Liberal-held seat quitting the election campaign in Western Australia a week out from the poll.

Candidate for Kalamunda, Ray Gould, told the ABC he was "giving it away" because the party had been dishonest with its candidates over its preference deal with the Liberals.

"I've had enough," Mr Gould said.

"It's a lot of work when you haven't got the support of your party.

"Nothing has been upfront, we haven't been told the truth from day one.

"I'm talking to voters and they say, 'We like Pauline Hanson but she's done a deal with the Liberals and she can't be trusted'.

"I don't think I'll even get 4 per cent of the vote because she's messing with the voters' heads."

Kalamunda is held by Government minister John Day by a margin of 10.3 per cent, but with polls predicting a big swing away from the Liberals, he too could be in trouble next Saturday.

Mr Gould's departure came less than a week after two other One Nation candidates were disendorsed.

The party said North West Central candidate, Dane Sorensen and Thornlie candidate Sandy Baraiolo were disendorsed for failing to reach required standards.

One Nation was contacted for comment about Mr Gould's decision to quit.

Preferences 'shambolic'

Mr Sorensen had previously spoken out about the preference deal, telling the ABC's 7.30 program that it was shambolic.

Mr Gould said he was also unhappy with the party's treatment of WA's former One Nation power brokers Ron McLean and Marye Louise Daniels.

The couple were sacked recently after being put in charge of screening and shortlisting candidates for the state election.

Their association with Senator Hanson goes back 20 years.

Mr Gould said the couple had been "disgracefully treated".

They threw them away like a dirty rag," Mr Gould said.

"I thought Pauline had more heart, I thought she was a shining light but not any more."

The 70-year-old former bricklayer from Bullsbrook said he had spent $3,000 of his own money on the campaign.

Topics: elections, one-nation, kalamunda-6076

First posted March 03, 2017 19:35:18