Conference program

Conference Program

View the full conference program below or select a stream to view only those sessions

Art, Culture + Literature
Current Issues
Fascism + The Far Right
Guest Speaker
Marxism 101
Marxist History of Ideas
Middle East
Organising Workers
Philosophy + Theory
Russia 1917
Russia Revolution 101
Socialist Myth Busting
Socialist Myth Busting Isn't Marxism a 19th century concept?
Middle EastSecularism, Islam and Women's Liberation in the Middle East
Organising WorkersHospitals for profit: The neoliberalisation of the health sector
EnvironmentFrom weapons to waste dumps: A history of nuclear in South Australia
Russian Revolution 101A revolutionary primer to Russia 1917
Philosophy and TheoryDiscipline and Punish: Power, Foucault and Marx
Current IssuesThe elites versus the masses in the era of Trumpist populism
The modern Australian working classMarxism 101
Class rebellion in India todayGuest speaker
Lessons in class: How elite schools cultivate entitled kidsCurrent Issues
'Real Aussies', migrants, multiculturalism and the quest for integrationAustralia
Hansonism rebooted: The hows and whys. Fascism and the far right
Thank God it's Friday - with special Palestinian guest speakersMiddle East
Middle EastA burning country: Syria, resistance and revolution
Russian Revolution 101The festival of the oppressed: A celebration of 1917
Current Issues Crisis or stasis? The world economy today
EnvironmentGreening Malthus: 'Family planning', forced sterilisation and the environment
AustraliaOut of the closets: The fight for Marriage equality
Current IssuesAustralia's shifting economic and political geography
Art, culture and literatureKatharine Susannah Prichard and her inter-war activism
RevolutionMarxism 101
Gandhi and the myth of non violence Asia
Cecilia Bobrovskaya: Bolshevik rebelRussia 1917
Green capitalism: The god that failed Environment
The resistible rise of the European far right Fascism and the far right
1967: Israel's 6 day war Anniversaries
Rising tide: Eyewitness to Chinese workers' struggleGuest speaker
Versus: The life and work of Ken LoachRadical Reels
Socialist Myth BustingDoesn't Marxism work in theory but not in practice?
Russia 1917Storming the Winter Palace today: Is the October revolution still relevant?
Art, culture and literatureWinds of the people: Art, music and poetry in Allende's Chile
Philosophy and theoryFrom Trotsky to the Frankfurt school: Philosophies of fascism
Current Issues Brexit and Trump: Crisis of establishment politics?
Marxist history of ideasHegemony
AsiaThe Great Divide: The partition of India and Pakistan
Gender and sexuality Marxism 101
Class or sect? Politics in the modern Middle EastMiddle East
Picasso's Guernica: 1937Art, culture and literature
The unions and White Australia: A historyOrganising Workers
Showdown: China vs the USCurrent Issues
Australian Apartheid: From mission times to the NT interventionIndigenous
Class, identity politics and Trump's electionCurrent Issues
Migration, discrimination and disability in Australia Current Issues
AustraliaWhy is Australia so Islamophobic?
Russian Revolution 101 The defeat of the Russian revolution: The real story
Current IssuesAnti-Polish racism in Western Europe today
Current issuesIs nationalism and racism sweeping the world?
AnniversariesGuts and Pity: The 1967 hanging that ended capital punishment in Australia
Current issuesRefugees fight back: Manus Island
Radical ReelsServant or Slave [2015]
Why you should be a socialistMarxism 101
From the river to the sea: Free Palestine Guest speaker
Reason and revolt: The philosophical impact of 1917Russia 1917
The politics of reconciliation and forgivenessCurrent Issues
Strategies to fight the Australian Building and Construction Commission Organising Workers
From Redfern to Kalgoorlie: Aboriginal riotsIndigenous
Wobblies, pacifists and communists: Generations of student activism at Melbourne UniversityHistory
Socialist Myth BustingIsn't Marxism deterministic?
Current IssuesCensorship and sexuality in schools
Current IssuesAgainst campism: Russia's imperial role in the world today
Marxist history of ideasThe individual
Guest Speaker#blacklivesmatter and the struggle against racism in the USA
Organising WorkersSystems analysis: IT workers and capitalism
Radical Reels'The art of life itself': Documentary film in the first days of the Russian revolution
Lebanon, communalism and rebellionGuest speaker
The environmentMarxism 101
The Bolshevik's rivals: The Mensheviks and the Socialist RevolutionariesRussia 1917
Consensus, democracy and movements: A scorecardPhilosophy and Theory
Karl Kautsky and Rosa Luxemburg on the mass strike: Debates and their echoesHistory
Surrealism and revolutionArt, culture and literature
The political psychology of the rich and powerfulCurrent Issues
Marxism 101War
Middle EastTurkey, the military, Islam and democracy
Russia 1917Marxist theories of Stalinism
Organising WorkersAussie jobs for Aussie workers? Nationalism in the union movement today
Current IssuesDebates over social democracy in light of Corbyn
Current IssuesWhiteness theory: A Marxist critique
Current IssuesSyria and the international left
Laïcité: The racist history of French secularismCurrent Issues
And the last shall be first: Women in the Russian revolutionRussia 101
1927: Chinese revolutionAnniversaries
The market vs the commons: Neo-liberal environmentalism todayEnvironment
From the Old to the New Guard: Australia's far right in the 1930sFascism and the far right
1917: Australia's greatest ever strikeAnniversaries
The Confession: Living the War on TerrorRadical Reels
HistoryOut of the backyard: The fight for abortion rights in Australia
HistoryFidel Castro's legacy: The Cuban revolution and beyond
Organising WorkersOrganising Uber: The false promises of the sharing economy
Current IssuesFrom protest to co-option? The modern Australian Greens
Philosophy and TheoryIs Marxism ethical?
AsiaMarxist debates over caste and class in India
Guest SpeakerThe US after the election of Trump
Greece after the stormGuest Speaker
Flame on the snow: Poetry, literature and the 1917 revolutionRussia 1917
A history of the Communist InternationalsHistory
Marxism and electoral studies: Class and other cleavages consideredCurrent Issues
Common senseMarxist history of ideas
Structure and agency in Marxist theoryPhilosophy and Theory
Special speakersFinal wrap up - with guest speakers

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  • Red Flag Newspaper

    Marxism 2017 is proudly supported by Red Flag - Socialist Alternative's fortnightly left-wing newspaper. Visit to have a read, or to subscribe and have it delivered fortnightly to your door.