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A missing piece of Australian music history, which was integral to punk music, is the subject of an Australia-wide search.


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  1. One Plus One: Rory O'Neill

    Rory O’Neill is an entertainer and gay rights activist whose flamboyant alter-ego – a 7ft drag queen called Panti Bliss - became the face of Ireland’s successful marriage equality campaign.

  2. Patrick Stewart and Hugh Jackman say their final X-Men brought them to tears

    Patrick Stewart and Hugh Jackman speak to Lateline about ageing on screen and how the latest X-Men film, Logan, has similarities with the current political climate.

  3. Film reviews: Logan, and Jasper Jones

    Film critic Zak Hepburn casts his eye over two new releases this week: the latest in the X-Men superhero series, and Australian drama Jasper Jones.

  4. David Stratton on his life in the world of cinema

    Renowned film critic David Stratton is now the subject of his own documentary, which delves into how the UK-born film buff grew up with the Australian industry.

  5. Patrick Stewart and Hugh Jackman say their final X-Men brought them to tears

    Patrick Stewart and Hugh Jackman speak to Lateline about ageing on screen and how the latest X-Men film, Logan, has similarities with the current political climate.

  6. Hundreds of bulldogs brought together in Mexico to break Guinness World Record

    Mexico brought together hundreds of bulldogs in an attempt to break the Guinness World Record with the largest number of the breed concentrated in one place.

  7. The Sirius building's architect says the building will be opened to the public

    One of Sydney's most prominent examples of brutalist architecture, the Sirius building at The Rocks, will be opened to the public for the first time in almost 40 years.

  8. Celebrities talk of the shock after the wrong best picture winner was announced

    The most coveted award of the Oscars descends into chaos, with an unprecedented blunder seeing La La Land mistakenly named the Best Picture winner, instead of Moonlight.

  9. Oscars shock as La La Land mistakenly named best picture winner

    The most coveted award of the Oscars descends into chaos, with an unprecedented blunder seeing La La Land mistakenly named the Best Picture winner, instead of Moonlight.

  10. Warren Beatty reads the wrong Best Picture winner

    La La Land was mistakenly named Best Picture winner at the Oscars.

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