Kids Program

Kids Program

For the fourth year in a row, Socialist Alternative presents a dedicated space for school aged children of conference attendees.

The purpose of the kids program is to create a fun and relaxing space where left wing politics and non-conforming attitudes are valued and encouraged. Lots of free time and outside play will be combined with special workshops and co-operative games. Leaders of the program will be a mixture of educators and parents, assisted by other helpers.

The Latin American writer, Eduardo Galeano, wrote of children under capitalism: "Day after day, children are denied the right to be children. The world treats rich kids as if they were money, teaching them to act the way money acts. The world treats poor kids as if they were garbage, to turn them into garbage. And those in the middle, neither rich nor poor, are chained to televisions and trained to live the life of prisoners. The few children who manage to be children must have a lot of magic and a lot of luck."

We don't necessarily promise magic, but we want a space where children's agency is respected and there is a lot of scope for free play. There is some scope for children who already know they will be attending to shape the workshops and activities – please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if your child has some ideas or proposals and we will incorporate them if at all possible. At the least, we will use the ideas to formulate next year's program.

The kids program is free but only open to children whose parents/grandparents/carers are attending the Marxism Conference at the Victorian College of the Arts over Easter (13-16 April 2017). It will be operating between 9.30 am and 5.30 pm on the three days of conference. Food will be provided for a $5 fee per child for each day, or kids can bring their own lunches and snacks.

To register, please email the completed Registration form to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Further information about the program is available here.

See also Childcare

  • Socialist Alternative is an anti-capitalist Marxist organization. We are active around many left-wing issues in Australia, and have active chapters in most cities and major campuses. If you’re interested in getting involved, you can contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or check out our newspaper Red Flag.

  • Red Flag Newspaper

    Marxism 2017 is proudly supported by Red Flag - Socialist Alternative's fortnightly left-wing newspaper. Visit to have a read, or to subscribe and have it delivered fortnightly to your door.

  • Red Flag Newspaper

    Marxism 2017 is proudly supported by Red Flag - Socialist Alternative's fortnightly left-wing newspaper. Visit to have a read, or to subscribe and have it delivered fortnightly to your door.