National news

Everyone has probably heard about the physical benefits of having sex, but are you aware of the long list of psychological benefits?

NAB chief executive Andrew Thorburn faces tough questions over the bank's financial planning arm and its practises.

The economy may be the best avenue for the Right and the Left to take as they try to tackle the emergence of One Nation and other political alternatives.

Australian Capital Territory

A 22-year-old woman has died after being seriously injured in a horse riding accident at Canberra's Thoroughbred Park on Tuesday.

New South Wales

Doctors at Nepean Hospital in Sydney's west are given assurances that the next stage of a $550 million upgrade will begin in two years.

A boy with a disability spends hours locked in a school bus at a depot south of Wollongong before being discovered by transport company workers, sparking an investigation into the incident.

Northern Territory

A low pressure system developing off the Northern Territory coast is expected to bring a downpour of rain and strong winds to parts of the Top End on the weekend, including Darwin.


A 24-year-old nanny sexually assaulted in Brisbane last year has died in a traffic incident in Poland, in the same week her alleged attacker appeared in court, Queensland police say.

Ipswich Hospital managers shut down the intensive care unit so they can remove the source of a mould outbreak that could be a threat to patients with compromised immune systems.

South Australia

A perfectly formed anvil thunderstorm cloud spreads across the northern skies of Adelaide, dumping heavy rain on the Barossa and igniting a Twitter frenzy.


The Tasmanian Opposition says the Human Services Minister "lied to the public" after she was forced to correct the record about her knowledge of a Right to Information request.


Two Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II fighters will fly at Victoria's Avalon air show this weekend, but questions remain about the aircraft's effectiveness and operational readiness.

Cafe workers have a lucky escape after a bus ploughs into the front of their takeaway shop at North Melbourne.

Western Australia

A man who killed a woman in a head-on crash and injured her two young children while over the legal blood alcohol limit is jailed for four and a half years.

At least one in three young people in detention in Western Australia suffers from foetal alcohol spectrum disorder, according to findings from an Australian-first study.