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A few months ago, Human Services Minister Alan Tudge spoke to Hack about the Centrelink automatic debt notices many of our listeners had been receiving.

At the time, Minister Tudge said the average wait time when you called Centrelink was 12 minutes.

Yup, 12 minutes.

A lot of you contacted Hack to query that.

"Most times we try and call [and] all we get is an engaged tone and can not even speak to anyone," one listener said.

"I made several attempts to call Centrelink on my lunch breaks at work... and the phone was constantly engaged," another listener said. "After finally getting a ring tone, I was on hold for over an hour before I spoke to someone who had a look at my file and discovered my claim was on hold."

There were heaps more comments like that, but you get the gist.

Millions of calls unanswered

If you're feeling frustrated by the process of calling Centrelink, you are not alone.

Today in a Senate hearing, the Department of Human Services (which runs Centrelink) revealed that between July 1 and January 31, a whopping 28 million calls received a busy signal.

That's more than 131,000 calls a day over seven months.

Another 4.1 million calls were abandoned altogether, meaning the caller hung up before an operator got to them.

Greens Senator Rachel Siewert said this is an alarming jump.

"To see 28 million busy signals in the first seven months shows an extreme trajectory that the Government must work to remedy immediately," she said.

But senior managers of the Department said that they were doing well when it came to hitting their targets.

Average wait time of 14 minutes

According the updated figures released by the Department today, the average wait time across Centrelink services is 14 minutes and 10 seconds. They have a target of 16 minutes, so they're coming in under that, senior managers said.

Bridget Brill from the Department said if you call a debt line number - where you'd go if you wanted to pay off or query one of those automated debt notices - then you'd only have to wait a few seconds before your call was answered.

But - here's the rub.

The wait time does not necessarily reflect the time it takes for your query to be resolved.

"The waiting time is the time taken for that call to be answered and made contact with an operator," Barry Jackson from the Department said.

So if someone picks up the phone and transfers you to another person, that transfer marks the start of a second call - to the Department, anyway.

"So you don't add the two times together as an illustration for the total time someone has spent on the phone," Labor senator Louise Pratt asked.

No, basically.

"We do try and resolve customer inquiries at the very first place that they engage with us," Bridget answered.

Barry Jackson added that if Centrelink customers call the right phone line, then it's unlikely they'd need to be transferred elsewhere.

"It would be unusual for the operator not to be able to answer all of the questions."

  • Author Shalailah Medhora

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