Welcome to The Independent Australian website

Home Page consists of articles published only on the site, with occassional relevant supporting articles from the discontinued magazine. If the 'taster' intrigues you, read more. Articles are usually published once a month; a reminder is sent out to those on the The Independent Australian email address book. If you wish to receive the reminder, email editor@independentaustralian.com.au.

For publication policy go to About Us. Note that views expressed in articles are those of the author, not necessarily those of the publisher. Comment and articles welcome, but will be refused or moderated if libellous or way out. Pseudonym OK, email address will not be published. Go to Contact Us to comment on website, buy back issues of the magazine or donate.

About Us also contains a list of websites which you may find of interest. The Independent Australian has a different view to some of the opinons expressed in these websites, but you are free to make up your own mind.

The Independent Australian magazine ceased publication with Issue 20 Winter 2010. The Contents pages are being collected and will be placed under under Magazine Archives. Some articles of more lasting importance are being reproduced in full at the end of the Contents pages. Some specific topics are collected in full under the other buttons in the menu. Any request for a specific article will be posted in full.

Likewise selected website articles will be kept under Website Archives. So far all published are still on the Home Page except for a couplr of passing interest which have been deleted.