Marijuana bets stoke Aussie hedge fund's ascent to top global peers with 145 per cent gain

America votes for marijuana

by Bei Hu

A Sydney-based investment manager has become the world's best-performing hedge fund as it soared 145 per cent last year, thanks in part to its bets on marijuana companies.

Stock and credit investments in North American marijuana producers contributed 22 percentage points of last year's gain for the $US200 million ($264 million) Tribeca Global Natural Resources Fund, said Ben Cleary, who co-manages the pool with Craig Evans. The fund has gained 4 per cent this year through February, Cleary said.

The marijuana bets helped the hedge fund rise to the very top among more than 10,000 rivals tracked by data provider Preqin and stand out in a lacklustre year for the industry. Eight US states and the District of Columbia legalised recreational cannabis use among adults and more than half of all US states have laws allowing medical use of the drug.

While federal laws prohibit the sale of marijuana and officials from Donald Trump's administration have sent mixed signals on whether they would increase enforcement, Cleary said he isn't concerned because cannabis laws are state-based.

"People have voted with their feet at the ballot box," Cleary said in the email. "Financing to this sector is still incredibly hard to find and the cottage-like mum-and-dad industry is prime for consolidation in the US."

The US legalised cannabis industry's revenue hit US$6.7 billion last year and is highly likely to surpass $US20 billion in five years, Cleary said. The industry will expand to $US50 billion by 2026, Cowen & Co., the former bond brokerage aiming to become Wall Street's leading provider of cannabis research, estimated in September.

Generation Y

"This will have far-reaching impacts, including lower beer sales, as Generation Y gravitate towards the 'low carb' alternate," Cleary said.

Stock prices of Aurora Canabis and Canopy Growth, both medical marijuana producers which the Tribeca fund has invested in, more than tripled last year and have advanced 12 per cent and 30 per cent this year, respectively.

The fund also made money in 2016 from investments in salmon producers in Norway, Australia and New Zealand, including Tasmania's sTassal Group and Sanford. Price of the fish surged with solid demand from most Group of 20 countries and constrained supply from Chile and Norway. Consumption in the US, the largest market for salmon, expanded at double-digit rates between 2013 and 2016. A rising health-conscious middle class in Asia, especially in China, has developed a preference for the fish over red meat, Cleary said.

Cobalt, lithium

Cobalt and lithium companies in Asia, Canada and Australia, such as Galaxy Resources, proved profitable trades last year amid battery demand of the growing electric car industry, while bearish bets on the fertiliser industries in Europe and North America also paid off. Cleary says the oversupply of urea and ammonia, fertiliser ingredients, to continue in 2017. The increasing use of drones to report moisture and mineral content in soil could rapidly reduce fertiliser usage on crops, he added.

Salmon, cobalt and gold also drove the fund's returns so far this year, Cleary said. The fund has cut overall net position, the difference between bullish and bearish bets, to 30 per cent, from about 50 per cent last year, as the surges of stock prices in the past year have made cheap investments harder to find, he said.

Cleary and Evans both worked in the equities division of Macquarie Group Ltd. in roles focused on natural resources. The fund, using a strategy started in September 2014, can invest in stocks, credit of resources companies, related service and infrastructure providers as well as commodities. Its investors are dominated by Asian and U.S.-based rich families, Cleary said.

The end of the 30-year bull run for bonds may spur investors to pump money into riskier assets, potentially benefiting natural resources companies, Cleary said.

Most of the commodities the fund analyses are going into supply deficit in 2017, he said.

"Few are focusing on the fact that most commodities have faced five to six years of under-investment," he said. "This has left most major producers of commodities with next to no growth and we do believe there will be significant mergers and acquisitions in 2017."

