Survive the squeeze between your parents and your kids

Longevity, greater workforce participation and having children later in life means that one quarter of Australians will ...
Longevity, greater workforce participation and having children later in life means that one quarter of Australians will experience the pull at some point. Simon Letch

When Jane Marsh* met aged care specialist Rita Merienne, she was at her wits' end. As a full-time employee, mother of two teenagers and long­-distance carer for her mother, she felt squeezed beyond her limits – financially and emotionally – between the demands of both households.

Wanting to do the best for everyone, she was also talking to lawyers about her brother's actions which were financially based and bordering on abuse, she felt, of their mother who lived in an aged care facility.

Jane had unwittingly become a member of the "sandwich generation" – the generation of people who are caring for their ageing parents while still raising their children and working full-time. She is in good company – about one in 10 middle-aged Australians (generally women although there are plenty of men looking after their elderly parents' wellbeing) are combining the roles of parent, parental carer and worker (according to OECD figures). Many find the social, emotional and financial pressures overwhelming.

Longevity, greater workforce participation and having children later in life means that one quarter of Australians will experience the pull at some point.

Tips for the sandwich generation.
Tips for the sandwich generation.

The younger you are, the more likely you are to be sacrificing your own financial goals for others. But even older carers are leaving themselves financially exposed as they support older parents into aged care.

The pressure on Jane also meant she had to deal with unplanned absenteeism. To add to family tension, her husband didn't anticipate the drain on the family finances.

Having shared a similar guilt-ridden and stressful experience when she saw her own father into aged care while raising her son, Merienne was able to give Jane some information and skills. Merienne co-founded Aged Care with Ease to help families make the transition.

Impact on finances

"It doesn't matter which way you are sandwiched – whether it is between your parents and your kids, or your partner and your grandkids – it always affects the finances," says BFG Financial Services managing director Suzanne Haddan.

If the children are adult and still at home, you'll likely have a handle on your financial commitments to them. But elderly parents tend to play their cards close to their chest and you don't really know whether you are going to be called on to help them financially in the future, says Haddan

"You might not know what care they need now, but you can be pretty certain they will need some care in the future and aged care can be very expensive," she adds. "It might not seem like the thing to do, but it could be time to have a frank discussion with parents."

It is only when you know what your financial and other commitments are that you can factor parents' money needs into your own financial circumstances and make some important decisions. This may include whether you are going to need to work part-time to manage extra responsibilities and whether that will be enough to live off. Then there is the impact part-time work might have on your superannuation.

Haddan says it's important to contrast what's needed with what is wanted.

"Parents need medical help and aged care," she explains. "Kids want a deposit for a first home. If you can afford both, then well and good. But if you can't, then you have to give some priority – particularly to your own financial needs . Don't sacrifice yourself entirely if it is going to have a major impact on your own retirement plans."

Social demographer Mark McCrindle says the financial challenge is greatest for the 35-44 age bracket who have younger kids and parents just starting to need some assistance.

"This emerging 'sandwich generation' is still in the 'debt and dependence' stage and don't have the financial flexibility and wealth accumulation of the baby boomer generation," says McCrindle.

Wealthier younger boomers (45-54) and older boomers (55-64) will generally have more flexibility to help their parents financially, he adds, such as with the deposit required for residential care which can be substantial.

The cost of time

Baillieu Holst financial adviser Mike James says that as well as financial costs, there can be significant time commitments that come with caring for others.

"The risk is that the individual's own wealth creation strategy is either placed in the bottom drawer or non-existent purely due to a lack of time," say James.

The costs of raising children – from school fees to clothing, food and healthcare – can place significant strain on household budgets while rising house prices are keeping more children at home longer.

"The resources needed to look after elderly parents are often less financial and more about time," he adds.

"Helping sort out accommodation or health-related issues for elderly parents can be extremely time-consuming, particularly if the adult children are living in another state," he says.

James says this generation must find "me" time to dedicate to their own financial aspirations.

Mortgage reduction, while often a crucial objective for the "sandwich generation", should not be the entire focus within a financial strategy.

"Depending on the individual's circumstances, a prudent strategy will most likely include a combined approach of debt reduction and asset accumulation," he says.

"The 'sandwich generation' will not be able to rely on compulsory super contributions to fund their retirement. The changing super environment means earlier salary-sacrificing into super as part of a diversified strategy is becoming more important as is building a strong share portfolio of quality stocks with solid income streams."

Multiforte Financial Services director and adviser Kate McCallum says it is more likely to be the independent woman in a family, without children, who ends up with the lead role of caring for ageing parents or elderly relatives, rather than other siblings with children.

Some challenges include periods away from work or limited capacity to take a more challenging or senior role. In Jane's case, the pressure on her was lifted when she accepted the next few years were going to be tough but she was doing the best she could.

McCallum says families living apart can mean additional and regular travel while individuals often turn down international roles because it is too far to travel back to Australia.

She says it is common for clients to be paying for some expenses where parents don't have the financial means to do so.

Often the parents are asset rich but cash poor. In many cases they don't want to sell the family home, leaving the next generation to fund aged care.

Where there are substantial amounts of money involved, McCallum recommends an agreement that is documented and discussed with siblings to avoid any conflict when it comes to will time.

"Parents or elders may include a provision in their will to repay a child for lump sums for accommodation bonds or other expenses incurred along the way," suggests McCallum.

The positives

Recent research by Kiah Evans, occupational therapist and PhD candidate at Edith Cowan University, found there were negative as well as positive effects of being part of the working "sandwich generation" of women.

As well as the inevitable time squeeze that comes with balancing the roles of mother, parental carer and worker, there was negative emotional spill over and unrealistic expectations, says Evans.

But it is not all bad, and there is also evidence of positive experiences, resilience and coping through the sharing of skills, energy or resources between roles, she says.

In a recent article, Evans identified some of the ways women minimise conflict and maximise enrichment as maintaining health and wellbeing, repressing perfectionism, managing time and energy, releasing responsibility, nurturing social connection and reciprocating.

"Working 'sandwich generation' women are considered at risk in terms of their role balance, personal wellbeing, physical health, mental health and financial security and so it is important they find the strategies that work for them ," says Evans.

*Not her real name.

Bina Brown is a member of the "sandwich generation" and a director of aged care placement company Third Age Matters.