Measure — Entertainment

LKQD Establishes Their Platform As A Top Tier Mobile Advertising Network

Likqid Media knew that the LKQD platform was already one of the largest mobile video networks based on their internal numbers, but to successfully launch their cross-channel platform they wanted to validate the reach they had in mobile with third party reporting. However, other audience measurement vendors did not offer a tracking solution that was focused on providing tracking for cross-channel platforms such as LKQD.

Verifying the scale of our mobile video business relative to other networks helped guide our decision to enter into the multi-channel video space. Quantcast proved to be a flexible audience measurement solution that we could implement in any video environment.”

Scott Alexander, COO, LKQD
Likqid Media turned to Quantcast Measure to accurately showcase their platform’s reach:

  • Flexible Implementation: Likqid Media was able to implement the Quantcast Measure tag, so that they could measure their video advertising units in any video player.
  • Cross-Platform Measurement: The LKQD “video everywhere” platform has to run on any screen to deliver that promise, whether the video is in a mobile app, on the web or on a connected TV. Quantcast Measure allows Likqid Media to report across all of those devices and break out their audience reach by platform.
  • Competitive Benchmarks: Using Quantcast’s Network Ranks, Likqid Media was able to verify that LKQD is one of the largest mobile ad networks publicly measured by Quantcast.

Likqid Media confirmed that the LKQD platform is the fifth largest mobile advertising platform according to Quantcast’s public rankings. As the only platform in the top 5 with an exclusive focus on video, and a total cross-platform monthly reach of 230 million unique users in the U.S., LKQD verified their leading position in the mobile video advertising space.

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