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Australia for the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) increases donation volume with data passback

Australia for the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) was established to lead and coordinate international action to protect refugees and resolve refugee issues worldwide. Although it received a high donation volume during times of crises, UNHCR knew how important it was to also drive donations on an ongoing basis. UNHCR and its agency, MEC Global, decided to test display advertising with several partners, including Quantcast, to increase donation volume, especially among committed donors, or those who elect to donate every month.

Not only did Quantcast have a seamless campaign setup process, especially when it came to tagging, it was the only partner that performed consistently week-over-week. We were very happy with results and happy to allocate more budget towards Quantcast campaigns.”

Joel Calleja, Digital Associate Manager, MEC

From the initial setup, Quantcast stood out from the pack.

  • Complete Targeting: Quantcast targeted consumers across the entire connected universe who exhibited online browsing behavior most similar to UNHCR’s typical donors. Quantcast’s algorithms dynamically adjusted the levels of prospecting and retargeting to reach these best matches and drove them to make a donation.
  • Data Passback: Quantcast optimized targeting towards people who looked most similar to UNHCR’s committed donors.


  • +33% more committed donors than the second-highest performing partner
  • 2.8x return on ad spend (ROAS)
  • Quantcast drove the most first-time and committed donations

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