Federal Politics

CSIRO boss Larry Marshall's salary revealed at Senate estimates

Every member of CSIRO's senior executive team received performance-related bonuses last year despite 2016 being one of the most tumultuous in the organisation's history.

Salary details of the organisation's leadership were revealed during a Senate estimates hearing on Thursday.

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Despite it not being a requirement under current government guidelines, CSIRO officials for the first time revealed the remuneration package of chief executive Larry Marshall.

Under questioning from Labor Senator Kim Carr, secretary of the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Glenys Beauchamp, initially said that Dr Marshall's salary was $673,712.

Senator Carr expressed surprise at this figure. "That's less than your predecessor," Mr Carr told Dr Marshall.

Under further questioning Ms Bennett said there was an additional "at-risk component determined by the board".


"What is that? A performance bonus?" Mr Carr said.

"It is a potential 30 per cent on top of that," Ms Bennett said.

Dr Marshall later said that he had received 85 per cent of what he, too, referred to as an "at-risk component".

Calculated from Ms Bennett's stated base salary, this means Dr Marshall's total remuneration last year was $845,508.

CSIRO spokesman Huw Morgan would not confirm details of Dr Marshall's salary but said that this figure reflected evidence presented during estimates.

Dr Marshall said that all nine members of the organisation's senior management received bonuses.

Senator Carr said to Dr Marshall: "Despite the couple of years you've had, every member of the executive got a bonus? They all got extra money?"

"None received all of it," Dr Marshall said.

In February last year, CSIRO announced widespread restructuring of its scientific priorities, including a move away from long-term climate research leading to redundancies of more than 300 across the organisation.

In August last year then Science Minister Greg Hunt ordered a U-turn, to put the focus back on climate science.

He followed up in November with what he agreed was a mid-mission corrective, issuing a new statement of expectations for CSIRO which included an obligation to continue "pure public good science".

At Senate estimates, Dr Marshall said that "depending on your definition of public good, at least half of what we do is public good science".

An independent Ernst & Young report commissioned by the CSIRO showed that communication and change management within the organisation last year had been "rushed" and that "staff were not provided the opportunity to engage with, and provide feedback on, the potential decisions until late in the process".

The report also said staff communication regarding the restructure contained "ambiguous language and messaging resulting in different perceptions of the changes".

At the Senate estimates hearing on Thursday, the deputy chief executive of the CSIRO, Craig Roy, said that the failure of the CSIRO to finalise an enterprise agreement with the CPSU Staff Association "definitely has had an impact on the morale of staff".

Secretary of the Staff Association, Sam Popovski, said: "CSIRO staff find it inexplicable that executives have accepted salary bonuses when our pay has been frozen since 2014."

CSIRO managers at the hearing made a commitment to reinstate the publication of salary bands for its senior executives in future annual reports.

During the Senate hearing, One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts raised a recent disagreement he has had with Sydney Morning Herald environment editor Peter Hannam about the partial release by the CSIRO to Mr Hannam of a transcript of a meeting between Senator Roberts and the CSIRO.

As a result, the CSIRO and Senator Roberts agreed to compare transcripts of the meeting. Senator Roberts has said that at the meeting the CSIRO told him there was no immediate danger from carbon dioxide to humans. CSIRO disputes this interpretation.

An earlier version of this article stated that CSIRO chief financial officer Hazel Bennett had given information about Larry Marshall's salary when it was Glenys Beauchamp, secretary of the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science.