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20 November 2016


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You're taking "Christmas" off? Is this some new holiday? Based on the date it comes you must be referring to Saturnalia, but using a new name.


is there something wrong with the episode, I cant seem to download it :/


let me be a bit rude and say: why do we get TWO (2) special episodes about europeans in a show about south american independence. Sure, they're both kinda important (gregor macgregor not so much really), but i can think of many other south americans much more important than them that are not even mentioned (belgrano for example). I'm a bit annoyed also because there are no podcast about south american history, and when we do get one they dedicate lots of time to europeans. Sorry for this rant, but i needed to say it.


Just a bit of trivia ....Thomas Cochrane was the inspiration for Patrick O'Brian's series of books about Jack Aubrey, the first of which was Master and Commander which was later turned into a film. Cochrane was a character and probably annoyed his peers then by his hogging of the limelight as much as he does now in a historical context. There are free Kindle books about him and by him available online.

Holly Martin

Mike, well I've finally caught up to you in real time. After binging on The History of Rome and devouring all the Revolutions thus far I was at a loss on what to do with all this free time between podcasts. So I've started listening to other casts that you brought up on the show.

I have to say you are, by far, the best storyteller out there. You bring a new voice to history that makes it so easily accessible. I even enjoy listening to your one-off interviews with other podcasters.

But I'm a little disappointed. I haven't caught a single baseball reference or metaphor in any of your recent episodes. Have you gone soft since my beloved Cubs won the World Series? Or am I not paying close enough attention? Don't make me sign up for Twitter just to call you out on this. If you stick something in the next episode I promise to tell all my friends how awesome you are. Oh wait, I've done that already.

Well, you rock. Keep up the great work. Good luck finishing up the book.


I am the lizard queen.

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