OECD rings alarm on housing 'rout'

A housing market fall may not end in an easy landing, the OECD warns.
A housing market fall may not end in an easy landing, the OECD warns. Andrew Meares

Australia's vulnerability to a house price collapse morphing into a recession has sharpened because of ballooning household debt and the dominance of big banks, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's latest report on the economy.

Putting the risk of a recession at around one in five, the Paris-based OECD says alongside a shakeout in China and ongoing weakness in business investment, the single biggest threat to the nation is from a potential hard landing in the property market after years of double-digit price gains.

OECD officials – writing in what is their first major review of Australia's economy since 2014 – said the housing market may not "ease gently" and could develop into a "rout on prices and demand with significant macroeconoimc implications".

A chief consequence would be a juddering shutdown in household consumption and a surge in mortgage defaults that would ricochet around the economy.

The storm warning follows a report by Corelogic this week showing annual growth in Sydney prices last month hit 18.4 per cent – the highest rate since the city's 2002 boom.

Continuing price gains in Sydney and Melbourne are feeding concern that ultra-low official interest rates, as well as tax breaks that favour older generations, are distorting the housing market, worsening inequality, affordability, and concentrating systemic risks in a handful of big lenders. Furthermore, yields are on a downward slide as investors fall over themselves to buy at prices that imply they are betting only on future capital gains rather than meaningful rental returns.

The OECD's report also echoes the Reserve Bank's recent unease over high levels of indebtedness, which governor Philip Lowe confirmed last month could easily backfire into a spending slowdown.

Among a series of growing vulnerabilities, including a potential shakeout in global trade caused by a misstep on US Federal Reserve rate hikes, rising protectionism, and the risk of a Chinese yuan devaluation, there is now a "non-negligible risk" of recession in Australia over the next two years.

The warning – which comes after this week's national accounts showed the economy rebounded strongly in the fourth quarter thanks to a surge in global commodity prices and surprisingly resilient household spending – puts renewed onus on the federal government to prepare for a potential shakeout caused by a house price crash.

Under such a doomsday scenario, the OECD suggests Canberra needs to be prepared to use fiscal policy to support the economy rather than fresh monetary policy stimulus, which has arguably been responsible for ratcheting up risks in housing.

The OECD notes that households now account for around half of Australia's total debt, which has soared well above 250 per cent of gross domestic product, compared with around a third of the total in 1995.

At the same time, the surge in property borrowing has pushed Australia towards the top of the OECD rankings for household debt and to around one-third more than the group's average. Furthermore, the rankings are based on figures dating back to 2015, thus missing the dramatic surge in debt-to-GDP of the past year or so.

More broadly, the OECD reiterates its call for Australia to raise the goods and services tax in exchange for lower income and company taxes, lamenting the lack of progress since its last review of the country.

It also chided the Federal Parliament for making "slow progress in reducing the federal deficit," which has seen budget repair delayed repeatedly.

Modelling in the report suggests it will take close to two decades of 1 per cent continuous budget surpluses to eliminate the Commonwealth's debt load, which is nearing half a trillion dollars. The last time Canberra posted a surplus was in 2007-08.

In a slapdown of the Coalition government, the report also condemned as "questionable" the Commonwealth's reliance on bracket creep, in which wage gains push workers into higher tax brackets because of a lack of indexation.

The OECD suggests Australia introduce a spending ceiling to keep a lid on outlays during boom times, as well as the creation of so-called "stabilisation funds" to park resources revenues for bad times.

"The ramping-up of spending commitments during the commodity boom suggests that medium-term fiscal discipline could benefit from a spending ceiling or a longer-term debt anchor (as suggested in recent IMF analysis)," the OECD report says.

On Australia's poor productivity growth performance of the past decade, the OECD says that it won't be enough to rely on a continuation of the long-run average, given the ageing population.

"Despite encouraging recent productivity growth, population ageing ... means the country's growth prospects depend crucially on strong productivity growth which, in turn, requires greater capacity for absorbing and generating new innovations."

Cautioning what it describes as a concerning drift towards greater income inequality – with real incomes for the top 20 per cent of households rising more by than 40 per cent over the decade to 2014 compared to 25 per cent for the bottom 20 per cent – the OECD says more needs to be done to boost access to skills.

"As in many other developed economies, Australia now faces the risk of low growth and lacklustre private-sector investment due to pessimistic expectations and weakening global trade."

Some of the OECD's concerns – which were drafted late last year – are starting to ease on signs of a recovery in growth in the US, Japan and Europe, as well as rebounding commodity prices.

It predicts Australia's GDP growth will accelerate to 3.1 per cent next year from 2.6 per cent this year, pushing the jobless rate to 5.3 per cent from 5.5 per cent in 2017.