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The Remarkable Woman founder Shivani Gopal wants to close the gender gap

She was a rising star in financial services, but Shivani Gopal was faced with an awful dilemma: keep working with a client who had licked her face, or avoid him and sacrifice her business?

It was after a business lunch that the man, with a few drinks under his belt, licked Ms Gopal, who was then an award-winning business development manager.

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Account director Betsy Oyler would like to see more young women fight for better pay and the jobs they want.

"My stomach just churned," she said. "I actually thought I was going to be sick. I left immediately.

"I was horrified as to how this could have happened to me and why, being such a strong, passionate [believer] in gender equality and having a voice ... did I not say anything? We shouldn't be subjected to this for starters. But when you're in shock, you just don't react the way you want to react."

Ms Gopal chose not to deal with the man's group again. But it came at a cost.

"It meant I lost a large chunk of business," Ms Gopal said. "A woman shouldn't have to make those kinds of choices in the workforce."


Ms Gopal has spent 12 years in the industry and is now a manager in financial services. She said while the industry is changing, it "has traditionally had a boys' club culture".

In her early days as a financial adviser, an industry leader turned down her request for mentoring.

"This man actually looked at me up and down in that really overt kind of way. He said, 'No, you're too young and too pretty. Come back to me in 10 years' time'. I was devastated."

Six months later the man began mentoring a male colleague her age. "That's when I realised two things: it was a sexist remark ... and that men in their camaraderie receive mentorships so much more naturally and more often," she said. "Mentorship should be for everyone."

As a way of tackling gender inequality, Ms Gopal will next month launch a social enterprise, The Remarkable Woman, to support women in achieving their goals and "empower them personally, professionally and financially".

It will offer members access to female mentors, discounts on products and services - including outsourced domestic help - to make up for the gender pay gap, and regular talks for women to share stories of their successes, challenges and failures.

"I am so used to seeing few women in senior leadership positions," Ms Gopal said. "The cycle continues as women have access to [fewer] natural mentors in the workplace and therefore less ability to prepare for promotion and increase their pay packets. Without supporting one another, change is not possible."

On average, the full-time weekly wage for women is 16.2 per cent less than for men but the gap rises to 30 per cent in financial and insurance services - the highest of any industry.

Biennial surveys by Finsia, the professional membership body for the industry in Australasia, have found female members consistently rate cultural change as the main issue to be addressed by the industry if more women are to work in financial services.

In the most recent survey, in 2014, 64 per cent of female respondents agreed that women were under-represented in corporate promotions from the beginning of their careers, while 90 per cent said men were more likely than women to put themselves forward for promotion.

Professor Marian Baird, director of the Women and Work Research Group at the University of Sydney, said occupations that still had a deep masculine culture were "often about the nature of the work, not so much the workers themselves. So the requirement of long hours, the requirement to stay around, the requirement to socialise and meet with clients - that often has an implicit gender bias in it".

Professor Baird said one way to address such issues was through mentoring, sponsorship and strong networks for women.

"Building opportunities for women to talk together and share their experiences can be very useful," she said. "Having said that, some women also don't like that because they don't want to be seen as special or different. It's always quite a delicate balance between promoting and enabling the difference to be recognised and acknowledged, but not to be singled out."