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Independent Voices
Comment, Campaigns and Community from The . Tweets by and . Follow the team:
Independent Voices 4h
The Budget has exposed the simmering tensions between Theresa May and Philip Hammond
Independent Voices 4h
Boris Johnson is about to perform a policy U-turn and visit Russia
Independent Voices 4h
Amal Clooney is fighting Isis, but who cares when we could be discussing her choice to wear heels while pregnant?
Independent Voices 5h
Here are the five possible futures faced by the EU
Independent Voices 5h
UK homeless charities are helping to deport migrants
Independent Voices 5h
America finally has a leader who doesn't rely on 'evidence' to back up his 'claims' – how refreshing
Independent Voices 5h
Thank you Buffy the Vampire Slayer for teaching me how to be gay
Independent Voices 6h
The Tory Government’s cuts to benefits received by bereaved families is cruel and totally unnecessary
Independent Voices 6h
Donald Trump needs to stay out of the war in Yemen
Independent Voices 6h
What use is women's progress in politics when many mothers still don’t receive the respect they deserve?
Independent Voices 6h
The budget has exposed tensions between Phillip Hammond and Theresa May
Independent Voices 7h
I used to enjoy singing “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot”, but I won’t be singing it anymore
Independent Voices 7h
I grew up in Kentucky. Trumpcare has no understanding of real poverty
Independent Voices 7h
Boris Johnson is about to U-turn on Russia
Independent Voices retweeted
John Rentoul 7h
May blames Hammond: superb account of dispute between Nos 10 and 11 over NICs rise, by Andrew Grice
Independent Voices 8h
The self-employed are morally bankrupt and should pay up
Independent Voices 8h
Amal Clooney is fighting Isis – but thankfully we're discussing more important matters like her pregnancy
Independent Voices 8h
Finally, a President like Trump is a breath of fresh air for America
Independent Voices 8h
The EU has five options facing it, but which will it take?
Independent Voices 9h
The Budget has exposed the simmering tensions between Theresa May and Philip Hammond
Independent Voices 9h
The US finally has a leader who doesn't rely on 'evidence' to back up his 'claims' – how refreshing |
Independent Voices 9h
This Government's cuts to benefits received by bereaved families is not only cruel, it is totally unnecessary
Independent Voices 10h
Never mind fighting Isis, Amal Clooney is wearing heels while pregnant |
Independent Voices 10h
Thank you Buffy for teaching me how to be gay
Independent Voices 10h
Johnson is about to perform a policy U-turn as he becomes the first foreign secretary to visit Russia in five years
Independent Voices 11h
These are the five possible futures faced by the crisis ridden European Union
Independent Voices 11h
Far from virtuous unicorns, a lot of the self-employed are morally bankrupt – Hammond's right, they should pay up
Independent Voices retweeted
John Rentoul 11h
Mea Culpa: David Cameron’s not-quite monopoly on power
Independent Voices 11h
America finally has a leader who doesn't rely on 'evidence' to back up his 'claims' – how refreshing
Independent Voices 12h
I used to enjoy singing 'Swing Low, Sweet Chariot' – but when I found out what it meant, I felt sick