No More Presidents

  • January 27, 2017

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Protest & Policing

The days of action surrounding the inauguration of Donald Trump marked a clear rejection of his administration and the global rise of right-wing populism.

The inauguration of Donald Trump as president of the United States has unleashed a wave of anger across the country. Faced with the frightening prospect of an authoritarian right-wing government, many people have chosen to take their opposition to the streets. In the days surrounding Trump’s inauguration, Washington DC became the scene of continuous disruptions and resistance.

On the day after the inauguration, one of the largest international mobilizations in recent history took place with an estimated 4.8 million people marching in over 700 cities around the world. These days of action marked a clear rejection of the Trump administration and the global rise of right-wing populism.

Brandon Jourdan

Brandon Jourdan is an award-winning independent filmmaker, journalist, and writer. Together with Marianne Maeckelbergh he runs the Global Uprisings documentary series. Brandon has contributed to the New York Times, CNN, Babelgum, Reuters, Deep Dish TV, Democracy Now!, the Independent Media Center, Now with Bill Moyers, Foreign Exchange, and Free Speech Television.

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Marianne Maeckelbergh

Marianne Maeckelbergh is Associate Professor of Cultural Anthropology at Leiden University in the Netherlands and IOF Marie Curie visiting scholar at University of California, Berkeley.

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