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Space babies, empathetic pain, clean coal

Science on Mornings, on triplej Can you conceive a child in space? How far away are we from teleportation? Is there such a thing as clean coal?

How humankind has changed our planet

Great Moments in Science Many factors have contributed to how Earth has changed over time, but humankind has been a major contributor in a relatively short period of time, writes Dr Karl.

Ceres bright spot mystery solved

StarStuff Podcast FINAL EPISODE: Bright spots on the dwarf planet Ceres are giant salt pans. Also; climate change slowing the planet's rotation, and searching for the universe's missing matter.

Parenting with a mental illness - All In The Mind

Being a parent can be very rewarding, but if you are managing your own mental health you may not be able to be the parent you’d like to be. It can be sad and confusing for kids too—and they often take on a caring role. We speak with the author of a children’s picture book called My Happy Sad Mummy which aims to give kids an insight into their parent's bi-polar disorder; and a mother and daughter reflect on their relationship through mental illness.

Poetry in motion - RN Future Tense

A global technology giant recently used the poetry of Maya Angelou to give their company and its products a more human image. It’s testament perhaps to the enduring power of poetry to move us emotionally and to inspire. In this episode, Edwina Stott examines the myriad ways in which poetry is being used in the modern world; and questions whether the very human quality of poetry can survive the development of non-human poets.

Poetry in motion - RN Future Tense

A global technology giant recently used the poetry of Maya Angelou to give their company and its products a more human image. It’s testament perhaps to the enduring power of poetry to move us emotionally and to inspire. In this episode, Edwina Stott examines the myriad ways in which poetry is being used in the modern world; and questions whether the very human quality of poetry can survive the development of non-human poets.

Your Inner Dolphin

Beyond the Lab Humans are surprisingly well adapted to life in the ocean. Put us in water and our bodies start to change allowing us to dive and survive at amazing depths. The question is: how deep can we go?