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Darren Pauli

How does a vego go keto?

by Darren Pauli

Following the ultra low-carb ketogenic diet takes a lot of effort. But as Darren Pauli explains if you're a vegetarian it's a lot more work.

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iStockPhoto | Evgeny Sergeev

Can cold weather help you lose weight?


Winter weight gain is hard to avoid with our tendency to move less and choose heavier foods in the cooler months. But is it true that being cold can help us shed the kilos?

Read the answer



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You said:

"As her mother, I desperately wanted to protect her and tell her everything would be alright."

Caroline Steindl
Your Story: Speaking out for my child

"It's all common sense. There are some red wines that I do have what I call "sinus hangovers" from. But none of the facts will stop me from enjoying a great bottle of red or white."

Fact buster: Which gives you a worse hangover?