South Australian Treasurer Tom Koutsantonis spends two days touring Tesla facilities in California ahead of Elon Musk's visit to Adelaide this week as part of the International Astronautical Congress.

Researchers at Perth Zoo hope an artificial mud solution created to save a critically endangered frog from extinction could also help other threatened species.

On the Cape York peninsula, Indigenous rangers are racing against time to find and preserve ancient rock art before it disappears.

With tens of millions of items of space junk in orbit, a war on galactic waste is set to be declared. But tracking the stuff is a challenge in itself.

A critically endangered male spotted handfish is caught exhibiting doting parental behaviour, surprising scientists who are setting up an insurance population in Hobart.

As the debate rages over how to bring rein in rising energy prices, and ensure a reliable power grid, a snapshot of 2,000 households shows the majority of people see solar batteries as the key to cheaper and more reliable energy.

Dumped pet goldfish are found in Australian estuaries, prompting fears the fish — which are highly adaptive and can grow to 2 kilograms — could make their way into connected river systems and kill off native species.

Best-selling children's author and Hiroshima bombing survivor Junko Morimoto urged the Prime Minister to sign a treaty banning nuclear weapons before her death today.

The more Tony Abbott's anti-renewable energy position gets traction, the worse the policy problem for Malcolm Turnbull and his Government. It raises the question: how can it go on without blowing up? Michelle Grattan writes.

There are 22,000 suitable locations for pumped hydro sites across Australia and if storage was built at a tiny fraction of them, we could be 100 per cent powered by renewable energy within 20 years, researchers say.

Salmon producer Tassal will no longer be able to relocate seals pestering southern fish farms to the north-west under a ban by the Tasmanian Government, after complaints from northern fisherman.

Iran will "respond decisively" to any violation of the Iranian nuclear agreement, the country's President warns, while slamming US President Donald Trump's "ignorant, absurd and hateful rhetoric" about Iran being unfit to be heard at the United Nations.

A comprehensive study of sea-turtle nests has found a significant increase in turtle numbers at a majority of sites globally, but scientists warn the fight is not over yet.

Steel-making baron Sanjeev Gupta and climate change expert Ross Garnaut sound like strange bedfellows. But the pair are behind a plan to run four steel mills across Australia on renewable energy.

There is no evidence the release of stormwater from Abbot Point Coal Terminal caused widespread contamination of the nearby Caley Valley Wetlands, Queensland's Environment Department finds.

Whyalla steelworks buyer Sanjeev Gupta buys a controlling stake in Adelaide-based energy company Zen Energy, and also takes a swipe at the high cost of power in Australia.

Former prime minister Tony Abbott intensifies the pressure on Malcolm Turnbull over a clean energy target, saying "it would be unconscionable for a Government that was promising to abolish the carbon tax … to go further down this renewable path".

Iron ore prices are being hit by tightening credit in China as well as a crackdown on air pollution in key steel making cities.

Donald Trump isn't seeking approval from the international community. He's driving a wedge between the US and the world, writes Bruce Wolpe.

When it was clear my old washer was on its way out, it was harder than I expected to make an ethical choice about whether to fix it or buy a new one, writes Vivienne Pearson

Stanislav Petrov, the Soviet officer credited with saving the world from nuclear disaster during the Cold War in 1983, has died in Moscow aged 77.

The general manager of AGL, which runs the Liddell power station, says it can find better places to invest time, money and resources than Australia's oldest coal-fired power station.

The photographer behind a compelling image of a tiny seahorse gripping a cotton bud in Indonesia says he hopes the photo will "affect people's lives and create a change".

Activist investors are putting BHP's already testy relationship with the big industry lobbyist under more pressure over climate change policies.

First-timers from the Australian National University will race their solar car through the outback against creations by some of the biggest companies in the world. They're just hoping to finish.


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