Few countries recognise or investigate the links between wildlife crime — now worth between $9 billion and $29 billion a year — and money laundering, according to a new report that urges stronger measures be introduced to combat the practice.

The scale of fast fashion is so massive it can easily eclipse sustainability initiatives. We need investment in new technologies to revolutionise the industry.

The public accounts committee set up to examine Tasmania's energy crisis recommends holding on to the Tamar Valley Power Station, as well as greater transparency from Hydro Tasmania.

Northern Territory Indigenous leaders protest against mining on their land, in bold statements painted on their bare chests and arms for an exhibition at the Darwin Festival.

The Queensland Premier orders an independent investigation into the dumping of interstate waste after Four Corners last week revealed an organised network sending rubbish by road and rail to avoid paying New South Wales landfill levies.

The Port Augusta community and its clean energy supporters have welcomed the news that the world's largest solar thermal power station will be built in the region.

Lake Richmond, a freshwater lake south of Perth, was recently permanently added to WA's heritage register, but unlike historic buildings its story goes back millions of years.

As North Korea makes preparations for a potential missile strike on Guam, locals say they feel like they are re-living World War Two at the centre of a geopolitical crisis they never asked for.

Scientists in NSW are studying the trade-offs in oysters which have shown to be resilient to climate change effects.

Caught in the centre of a burgeoning military crisis, residents of the tiny Pacific island of Guam seem unalarmed by Kim Jong-un's threat to put them in the crosshairs of his ballistic missiles.

Underwater seaweed forests that disappeared off a 70-kilometre stretch of Sydney's coastline in the 1980s are making a remarkable recovery in a project scientists believe could help other imperilled coastlines around Australia.

A platypus census is underway in NSW and the ACT, with volunteers playing an important role in protecting and tracking the near-threatened species.

The Australian Marine Conservation Society slams the Queensland Government's proposal to increase monitoring of hammerhead sharks, slated to take effect next year.

China's President Xi Jinping calls for a peaceful resolution to the North Korean nuclear issue, using a phone call to urge President Donald Trump not to further antagonise Kim Jong-un.

The Snowy Hydro's Spencers Creek snow records have become something of a bible for skiers and weather nerds, but gathering the data is not a job for the faint-hearted.

Indigenous leader Grace Daniels thought the prospect of iron ore mining in the pristine Gulf of Carpentaria had disappeared. But a new company thinks the climate is right to revive a failed project, and that has her worried.

More major remedial work will be needed at the problem-plagued Perth Children's Hospital after a comprehensive report identified the likely cause of lead contamination in the facility's drinking water.

Alarm bells should have been ringing in 2010, but the health system, regulators, and uncompliant mines failed to stop black lung. Queensland's Mine Minister has finally drawn a line in the sand.

People diagnosed with black lung lash out at global miners Glencore and Anglo American after the Government threatened to close four underground coal mines in central Queensland for failing to meet dust-monitoring obligations.

It's like something from an Alfred Hitchcock film, but attacks aren't the problem being caused by birds in one Melbourne suburb.

The Tasmanian Government reveals its draft plan for the "most environmentally sustainable salmon industry in the world" — but the 19 page document is blasted as "a total joke" by the Greens.

The Indian mining giant Adani's Abbot Point coal terminal in northern Queensland avoids a multi-million-dollar fine, but is slugged $12,000 for releasing sediment stormwater during Tropical Cyclone Debbie at a level many times higher than allowed.

Two of Glencore and Anglo's underground coal mines in central Queensland risk closure after allegedly failing to meet dust-monitoring obligations.

The secret owners of a "Panamanian shelf company" lose a legal bid to stop Victoria's environmental watchdog from clearing the notorious Stawell tyre stockpile, in the state's west.

Environmentalists are concerned NSW Planning has received a "one-sided picture of CSG" as documents reveal they had secret meetings and tours with Santos, who is currently seeking approval for the Narrabri coal seam gas project.


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