CPAC, OK with alt-NeoNazism, drops Milo over Teen Sex Comments

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Milo Yiannopoulos will not be allowed to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference following the discovery of his comments supporting pedophilia.

Breitbart editor and self-described “occasional fellow traveler with the alt-right,” Milo Yiannopoulos, has for some time now been notorious for his sexist, transphobic, racist and far-right views. But it’s taken an old clip of him supporting pedophilia to come to light for conservatives to finally denounce him.

Yiannopoulos was slated to be the keynote speaker of this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference, joining ranks with establishment Republicans such as U.S. Vice President Mike Pence, Texas Senator Ted Cruz and former presidential candidate Carly Fiorina.

But when the clips gained exposure Monday after they were posted by a conservative blog, CPAC decided to disinvite Yiannopoulos, saying in a statement that the remarks were “disturbing.”

The clips show the Breitbart editor discussing how relationships between older men and young gay boys can be beneficial, while also flippantly talking of his sexual assault by a Catholic priest.

CPAC had originally invited Yiannopoulos to counter the movement that has risen against him, in the wake of his college speaking tour. Most notably, anti-fascist protesters drove him and his supporters out at UC Berkeley, forcing him to cancel his talk.

“An epidemic of speech suppression has taken over college campuses,” American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp had said earlier of their invitation. “Milo has exposed their liberal thuggery and we think free speech includes hearing Milo’s important perspective.”

That “important perspective” has actively harmed people that belong to the groups Yiannopoulos targets, including undocumented students, who Yiannopoulos has intentionally exposed.

Via TeleSur


Related video added by Juan Cole:

USA Today: “Milo Yiannopoulos hit with string of canceled events”

3 Responses

  1. The coup continues, Team •••clown dominates CPAC, the schedule:

    • Shovel-fight loser Kellyanne Conway (Thursday at 9:10 am ET)
    • Eliminate Education Secretary Betsy DeVos (Thursday at 12:50 pm ET)
    • Clinging Reince Priebus and drunken Steve Bannon (Thursday at 1:05 pm ET)
    • Vice President and his holiness Mike Pence (Thursday at 7:30 pm ET)
    • President Twitter-in-Chief (Friday at 10:20 am ET)
    • Frequently incorrect former FAUXNews analyst KT McFarland (Friday at 7:30 pm ET)
    • EPA Administrator and climate science denialist Scott Pruitt (Saturday at 1:50 pm ET)

    link to

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