Join us on Race Files, our blog offering anti-racist analysis, views, and occasional news.

Still Here… Hard At Work

The other day my dear friend, movement comrade, and Seattle-based communications wiz Joaquin Uy casually pointed out that I hadn’t posted anything on this site about our work this year. “Does ChangeLab still exist? What have you guys been doing?” Egad yes! We still exist! Sorry for the radio silence. We’ve been hard at work attacking the model minority myth and strengthening Asian American antiracist politics. If you’re not following RaceFiles, please do. That’s the most public expression of our work. We use RaceFiles to test our ideas in public, so please share it with your friends, and talk back Read more »

ChangeLab News: The year in review and a look ahead

2014 is officially here! The ChangeLab crew is very excited about this year, but first, a review of 2013 to give you some context. Last year was an inspiring one for us. We found a new home in Oakland (huzzah!) and consolidated operations there. We published a second report on our research findings, presented at conferences and gatherings like the Association of Asian American Studies and Creating Change, and did several media appearances about Asian Americans and racial politics. We built new relationships with amazing people and organizations, and launched RaceFiles with a fresh look and even fresher writers! Undeniably, one of Read more »

Brand New Race Files

Dear Readers, Race Files started as an experiment. During the media blitz that followed the breakthrough performance of former New York Nicks basketball player, Jeremy Lin, I found myself mumbling under my breath about the exclusion of progressive Asian American voices in media and the almost complete absence of useful racial dialogue, particularly concerning Asian Americans. Soon, writing took the place of all that frustrated mumbling and Race Files was born, my small contribution to the discussion of race in the U.S. that I thought would be read by, at most, a few hundred friends and colleagues. That was a Read more »

New ChangeLab Report: The Importance of Asian Americans?

Photo credit: Vyreak Sovann  We know two things for a fact: Asian Americans are the fastest growing racial group in the United States, and we overwhelmingly voted in support of Obama in 2012. But do either of these things signal progress for the racial justice movement? The fact is that the racial justice movement needs a serious upgrade. Diversity and multiculturalism do not equal justice. How do we avoid mistaking growing numbers for real political vision? Our new report, The Importance of Asian Americans? It’s Not What You Think, offers insight into the challenges we face today. It also explains why Asian Americans Read more »

Reporting from the Association of Asian American Studies Conference

  ChangeLab hosted two complimentary sessions at the recent Association of Asian American Studies Conference in Seattle and both were highly successful.  It’s encouraging and inspiring that there are so many people in the academy that care deeply about racial justice and are genuinely interested in what folks in the community are saying. Many of the same questions that were raised in our sessions were echoed throughout the conference.  Many scholars are examining the role of Asian American Studies in identity formation, the tie to the community, and how the Asian American movement is centered, where it came from, and Read more »

ChangeLab is a grassroots political lab that explores how U.S. demographic change is affecting racial justice politics, with a strategic focus on Asian American identity. Through research and cross-sector convening, we seek to revitalize a contemporary Asian American politics grounded in multiracial solidarity. We also provide communications platforms to highlight the damage that racial ideas about Asian Americans have done to the broader racial justice movement – by reinforcing anti-black racism, justifying U.S. Empire, and marginalizing Asian American struggles. Learn more about us »

Research Paper Asian Americans on the Sunday Shows: What They Talk About When They Talk About Us. Read more »