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Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
March 2, 2017 Disclaimer: Please read.

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Jim Lo Scalzo / Pool image via AP

The Deep State’s Hatred of Trump Is Not the Same as Yours

Do committed progressives really want to lie down in the same warmongering and pro-surveillance bed as the CIA and the Pentagon?


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‘Water Protectors’ Have a Hard Time Escaping the Anger of Some Locals (Video)

With passions running high in North Dakota, a small group of Native Americans and their supporters find themselves targets in a restaurant, and a woman is struck by an infuriated, yelling man.
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Using a thong metaphor, the “Last Week Tonight” host explains why Republicans’ plans to replace the flawed Affordable Care Act are disastrous.

In an interview by Truthdig’s Robert Scheer, the Middle East scholar also says that Islamic terrorism is overreported in the U.S. and criticizes the linking of violence and religion.

Why Do Some People Have Money While Others Don’t?

Because bankers rig democracy to ensure they control and manage of the institution of money, says economic Richard Wolff.

The Forever Prisoners of Guantanamo

I looked forward to writing an essay highlighting the detention camp’s last 100 days. It never happened.

Legislation Puts Amazon’s Riches at Risk

Environmental campaigners fear a bill to open nearly 2.5 million acres of protected rainforest aims to facilitate industrial mining in the region.

Jeff Sessions Under Scrutiny for Failing to Disclose Meetings With Russian Ambassador (Updated)

Several Democrats and Republicans call for the attorney general to recuse himself from probes into Trump administration links to Russia.



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A Double-Transplant Cancer Survivor Takes on Trump Over Obamacare

Among the guests in the chamber during the president’s first address to Congress was Ola Ojewumi (pictured), a remarkable 26-year-old.

Some in Media Soften Toward Trump After ‘Presidential’ Speech

Donald Trump’s first address to a joint session of Congress included what some in the mainstream press considered “extraordinary” moments.

Live at Truthdig: What Can We Learn from Standing Rock?

Truthdig correspondent Donald Kaufman meets with the editorial team Thursday to discuss the Dakota Access pipeline and what’s next for the “water protectors.”

‘Shameful Vote’: 17 Senators Draw Progressives’ Outrage for Enabling Trump

“You are now responsible for the actions that Ryan Zinke [pictured] will take as Secretary of the Interior,” reads a letter to senators who voted to confirm him.

Sen. Schumer: ‘It’s a Well-Known Fact’ That Israel Has Nuclear Weapons (Video)

At the National Press Club, the Senate minority leader (pictured with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi) gives a candid response to a question about Israel’s arsenal.



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Ex-Lobbyists and Koch Brothers Allies Will Run Trump’s Economic Team

The National Economic Council, headed by Gary Cohn (pictured), named 13 new hires a day before the president repeated his “drain the swamp” promise in a speech to Congress. The council’s makeup is raising conflict-of-interest concerns.

All the President’s Omissions: Bernie Sanders Shreds Trump’s Speech to Congress

The Vermont senator details Trump’s failure to address some of his major campaign promises and urges continued resistance against the administration.

Nancy Pelosi Says Case for Impeaching Trump ‘Has Not Fully Been Made’ (Video)

At a National Press Club Newsmaker event, the House minority leader (pictured with Sen. Chuck Schumer) says impeachment of any president is “very hard.” 

In Afghanistan, America’s Biggest Foe Is Self-Deception

That a few thousand troops could reverse the present situation and ensure progress toward victory is a fantasy.

Spring Moves Forward at a Record Rate

As global warming throws the seasons out of sync, an early spring causes problems for flora and fauna in the Northern Hemisphere.

Trump Says New York Contracts Brought Him $21 Million. It Was Actually Much Less.

The president’s financial disclosure forms reveal that he earned no more than half of what he claimed.