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Is Our President Bonkers?

Maybe, but this screwball won because he saw something about the American condition that neither Democrats nor Republicans have the nerve to acknowledge.

William Greider


What Keith Ellison’s Defeat Says About the DNC

Insider Dems simply do not accept the fact that the party must break its bonds with big money and link itself with grassroots activists.

John Nichols

How Wealthy Donors Drive Aggressive Foreign Policy

As the influence of high-dollar donors grows, so too will our bellicosity.

Sean McElwee, Brian Schaffner and Jesse Rhodes

Democrats Can’t Be Distracted By Trump’s Russian Circus

Investigation is one thing, but political messaging is another.

Robert L. Borosage
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From the Magazine

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Trump's First Address to Congress

Don’t Be Fooled by Trump’s Latest Reality Show

Trump showed he can play a president on TV Tuesday, but that’s it. 

Robert L. Borosage

Trump Doesn’t Deserve Praise for His Raid in Yemen

Tough questions can’t be papered over by made-for-TV moments. 

George Zornick

There Was Nothing Moderate About Trump’s Speech to Congress

The president’s obsession with Muslims and immigrants gives cover to a simmering white nationalist movement at home.

Peter Certo


Another Republican Lawmaker Just Faced Hundreds of Angry Constituents

Senator Bill Cassidy endured jeers, boos, and tough questions during town halls in Louisiana this week.

Zoë Carpenter

After the Fumble

After years dominating the Democratic Party, the New Democrats now find themselves in a state of crisis

Matt Stoller

Trump’s Budget Proposal Is an Attack on the Working Class

Trump’s vision to make America great again would actually eviscerate the already disintegrating social safety net.

Michelle Chen
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Media in the Trump era

Trump Versus the Media: How to Cover a Hostile President

Only fearless independent reporting can hold power accountable and energize democracy.

Nic Dawes

Progressives Need to Build Their Own Media

Trump would not be president today were it not for the help of Fox, Breitbart, Limbaugh, & Co.

Mark Hertsgaard

This WWII Military Strategy Perfectly Explains What Trump Is Doing to the Media

He’s making it difficult to pick out the signal from the noise.

D.D. Guttenplan


Edward Jay Epstein’s Alternative Facts

A new book suggests Snowden may have been a spy, but what it reveals is its author’s own duplicity.

Sue Halpern

When Time Stopped Forever

Han Kang’s new novel mines the violent past and uncertain future of South Korean politics.

E. Tammy Kim

The Ways to Destroy Democracy

A new biography of Hitler offers us a warning from history.

Richard J. Evans
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Watch and Listen

View: In a World of Closed Borders, Deciding Who Deserves Asylum

At Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya, workers face few humane options.

February 9, 2017

View: Photos of Resistance: Inside the DC Women’s March

Over 500,000 people flooded the streets of the nation’s capital to protest everything President Trump stands for.

January 22, 2017

View: These Photos Show the People Who Turn a Cotton Plant Into Your Jeans

Following the path of cotton from Burkina Faso to Bangladesh to your local mall.

December 12, 2016


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