claimants and unpaid

Constitution of the Union of the Physically Impaired Against Segregation

This constitution is is not just a record of the procedural form of a radical organisation but also a powerful political statement about both disability and the organisation of society more generally. British disability theory and activism has many of its roots in this organisation, and its constitution, written in 1974, contains insight and analysis that is useful to this day.

Forgotten men, what now? : New Deal "security" - Abe Bluestein

Abe Bluestein's post- New Deal pamphlet encouraging self organisation and mass direct action among the millions of unemployed Americans.

Beneficiary bashing targets the sick

Beneficiary bashing targets the sick

The new National government is set to attack beneficiaries with a complete overhaul of how the social welfare system operates in New Zealand.

Battle of Trafalgar: The UK Poll Tax Riot (Documentary)

A chronological account of the anti-poll tax demonstration on 31st March 1990, one that contrasts disturbingly with the version presented by television news. Eyewitnesses tell their stories against a backdrop of the day's events as they unfold. Demonstrators' testimonies raise some questions about public order policing, the independence and accountability of the media and the right to demonstrate. Evidence clearly shows elements within the police provoking the riot.

Man in coma loses benefits as he's classified "fit for work"

The government's decision to crack down on the disabled took a bizarre turn this week after a man in a coma was stripped of his benefits - because he'd not handed his fitness-for-work questionnaire in.

National Unemployed Workers Movement image gallery

Unemployed Unite

A selection of pamphlet covers, leaflets and photos from the NUWM movement of the 1920s and 1930s in the Britain.

Organizing the lumpenproletariat: Cliques and communists in Berlin during the Weimar Republic - Eve Rosenhaft

1982 historical article by Eve Rosenhaft on the relationship between the German Communist Party and youth gangs and the "underclass" in 1920s and 30s Germany.

Degrading, de-humanising, and discredited: The UK prison pressure cooker on the boil

The UK prison population has reached yet another record high, and many of the issues that led to the Strangeway's riot of 1990 are back on the rise. The prison system is a thoroughly discredited institution that brutalises people, and makes them career criminals, and social outcasts. If you are under 25, an ethnic minority, and poor, you had better watch out, or you may find yourself in the 'big house'.

Wages go negative: graduate pays for internship

The news that graduates are now paying to work for free just adds to the feeling that something has to give.

The Atlanta Solidarity Network Continues Winning Streak

ASOL keeps up it's perfect record with another victory!