claimants and unpaid

The Industrial Workers of the World and the unemployed In Edmonton and Calgary in the Depression of 1913-1915

A paper by David Schultz studying the IWW's efforts to organize the unemployed of Edmonton and Calgary during the economic depression of 1913-15: most were transient, unskilled workers, and many had just arrived from railway construction camps in the interior where the IWW had led massive strikes.

First successes in struggle against against forced labour in the Netherlands

It has already been over two years since Doorbraak started an experiment in Leiden of using ‘organizing’ elements in the battle against the government cuts. We have reported back a few times, and this time we can report the first actual results!

Cait Reilly win is good, but ending workfare for keeps needs more

Today's ruling that every part of workfare other than the Mandatory Work Activity scheme breaks the law has given campaigners against workfare a huge boost - we were right all along. But the DWP have already said they will be doing a simple rephrase of the regulations and trying again and we need to make sure that doesn't happen by piling on the pressure now.

Unity and solidarity with claimants should be practical, not just theoretical

With attacks on claimants and the unemployed escalating, campaigners and trade unions have made numerous calls for “unity” between workers and the unemployed. But too often, this “unity” is a purely theoretical one. How can we go beyond words to build a practical basis for solidarity across our entire class?

My experience with the work programme so far

I was recently reffered onto the Work Programme by the Job Centre on very sketchy grounds. Yesterday I had my initial introductory group meeting with A4E called "About You" and here is my account of how it went and everything leading up to it.

Rejecting the compulsory jobs guarantee and the left's work ethic

A look at Labour's compulsory jobs guarantee and the problematic narratives that inform the debate around both it and unemployment in general.

Strikers' handbook: A claimants' union benefits guide

A guide produced by claimants for strikers during the UK miners strike 1984-1985.

A new start? Welfare changes and the labour-power shortage

An attempt to understand the changes to welfare in Australia by looking at the impact of the labour-shortage caused by the mining boom.

Benefit envy without benefit - Junge Linke

Junge Linke discuss the government's mobilisation of benefits envy as part of its assault on living standards.

Give up classtivism: Why class struggle is long, boring and hard work

The recent decision by Starbucks to attack its workers’ conditions (cutting paid lunch breaks, sick pay and other work benefits) in response to public pressure to pay its tax bill – public pressure partly generated by direct action organisations like UK Uncut – has highlighted ongoing concerns over the effectiveness of “Tax justice” campaigns and their relationship to class struggle organisation.