claimants and unpaid

Update on Hartz IV/welfare reform, 2005

Protests against welfare-reform in Germany, 2004

Unwaged fightback - A history of Islington Action Group of the Unwaged - 1980-86

The history of an unwaged workers' group in 1980s London, its efforts to establish and run a centre for the unemployed and its relationship to the Miners' Strike and other struggles of its times.

An "army of pensioners" to protest reforms

State pensions under threat

The National Pensioners Convention have called for a rally in London to protest propsed pension reforms, the BBC have reported.

Dealing with accusations of benefit fraud guide

Never let them scare you into signing or admitting to anything

Some tips and advice for any claimants who are facing accusations of benefit fraud.

Public sector pensions


Factsheet about the issues around pensions for workers of public sector organisations.

Private sector pensions


Factsheet about the issues around pensions for workers of private sector companies.

Pensions crisis


An in-depth look at the pensions crisis currently hitting the UK, affecting pensions of both public and private sector workers.

The Depression and the liberation of Kamagasaki (1973-1978)

A pamphlet in Japanese and English about the Kamagasaki area of Osaka.

France: 200 riot police invade Paris estate

Police have made 9 arrests in the Tarterets estate after two cops were ambushed and badly beaten there last week.