The confessed shooter at a Friday night University of Washington demonstration outside an event featuring a provocative Breitbart News editor sent Facebook messages to the right-wing entertainer before shooting a protester, the Seattle Times reports.

The shooting occurred amid a crowd scuffle on Red Square, where hundreds of ticketholders were shut out of a Milo Yiannopoulos speaking event at Kane Hall as protesters attempted to block their access to the venue.

The messages reported by the Times are not visible on Facebook, but they say the 29-year-old shooter messaged Yiannopoulos: 

"Hey Milo, im (sic) outside in line to your UW event. I got sucker punched (he was a bit limp wristed) and someone jacked my #MAGA hat. Anyway (sic) for me to get a replacement signed by you?"

Yiannolpoulos reportedly did not respond to the man's inquiry for a Make America Great Again hat -- made famous by President Donald Trump -- which topped many a Yiannopoulos fan's head that night.

The man was seen wandering the Red Square crowd, asking whether anyone had seen his hat. He was later seen donning a yellow hat, which he claimed to have taken from a protester.

Just before 8:30 p.m., about an hour after he messaged Yiannopoulos, the man engaged in a scuffle with a 34-year-old protester representing the Industrial Workers of the World and General Defense Committee, resulting in the gunfire.

The IWW and GDC released a statement about the victim Monday, reading in part:

"He was present at the protests against Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos on Friday night to oppose Milo's hateful speech, which encourages violence towards minority groups, and has resulted in actual violence in the past. The victim spent the period prior to being shot de-escalating conflicts between protesters and counter-protesters."

The man was admitted to Harborview Medical Center with critical injuries. A crowdfunding effort is underway to help pay for his medical bills and care.

The shooter turned himself in to the UW Police Department later that night, claiming self-defense. He was questioned and released pending additional investigation. He has not been charged with a crime.

The UW incident was the latest in a string of controversial college appearances in Yiannopoulos's speaking tour. A recent UC Davis engagement was canceled after protesters blocked entry to the venue. He was scheduled to appear at Washington State University in Pullman before his Seattle stop, but that was canceled due to bad weather conditions.

His scheduled visit to UW prompted a large protest from self-proclaimed anti-fascist protesters, as well as peaceful demonstrators representing a variety of interests. Detractors criticize Yiannopoulos as a mouthpiece for racism and hate speech.