
Kris Smith reveals he was a victim of domestic violence

Model Kris Smith has revealed he is a domestic violence survivor in the latest instalment of I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here.

After batting away the advances of fellow contestant Ash Pollard, and even a playful pass by Queer Eye for a Straight Guy star Carson Kressley, the Myer ambassador's love life took a serious turn when he described how a former partner used to bash him.

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Kris Smith opens up about his past

Kris Smith talks about a past relationship which he ended when his then fiancee became physically violent towards him. I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here! continues Monday At 7.30pm live from South Africa on TEN.

He and the woman used to work together, and became engaged when Smith was 25. They were together for three and a half years when things took a dark turn. 

"She was a kickboxer," he said. "It was a proper one, she bust my lip and nose."

Smith said he was trying to organise a surprise dinner for his fiancee the first time she was violent. He was on the phone organising the dinner when she demanded to know who he was talking to. 

"[It] came from nowhere," he told his fellow contestants. "There was never any jealous things like this before."


A visibly uncomfortable Smith told the camp his ex knew how to "throw a punch". 

"I went to walk off and she booted me right up the arse," he said. "I turned around and she punched me twice, hard."

Smith has nominated domestic violence awareness service White Ribbon Australia as his chosen charity for this year's I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here. 

Should the model and occasional TV presenter win, his $100,000 prize money will land in White Ribbon's bank account. 

The charity has previously praised Smith for "break[ing] the silence" that surrounds domestic violence. The model's fans have also praised his bravery for speaking out about the issue on national television.